King Arthur: Act II: [4.1] Philidel: "Hither this way bend" [4.2] Grimbald: "Let not a Moon-born Elf" [4.3] Philidel: "Hitheer this way" [4.4] Philidel: "Come follow me"
"The Masque" from TIMON OF ATHENS: [11.1] Duet (Sopranos 1 & 2): "Hark" [11.2] Solo (Soprano): "Love in their little veins" [11.3] Trio (Sopranos 1 & 2, baritone): "Hence with your trifling deity"
"The Masque" from TIMON OF ATHENS: [13.1] Solo (Soprano): "The cares of lovers" [13.2] Solo (Tenor): "Love quickly is palled" [13.3] Duet (Cupid & Bacchus), Chorus: "Come, let us agree"