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Criada por Amazon's music experts and updated regularly.

Gaming Mix

Criada por Amazon's music experts and updated regularly.

The perfect EDM gaming soundtrack.


1Moving On2Crab Rave3Faded4Familiars (From the Game "World of Tanks Blitz")5Sound of Vondel6One & Only7Movie Star (ft. MOD SUN & Global Dan)8Thunder9Hunger10Baby Girl11Move Your Body12Five Nights at Freddy's13TOKYO DRIFT14RAVE15The Game16Bone Dry17Ghost Light18Fever194ware20Legends Never Die (feat. Against the Current)21The End22Saving Me (Amazon Original) [feat. Sasha Alex Sloan]23CINEMA24Destroy Them with Lasers25Everything Goes On26Fire In Your Eyes27Shelter28Colorblind29Such Fun30I'm Good (Blue)31The Business32Insane33Down Under (feat. Colin Hay)34Where Are You Now35Escape36In My Mind37Where I'm At38PIXEL39Killin' it40Don't Let Me Let Go41The Kill (feat. Niki Randa)42Ding43Faded (Odesza Remix)44Narco45Murder In My Mind46Cold Hearted47Monody48Wasteland49Royalty50Tek It (Sped Up) [Remix]51Boing Clash Boom52Beautiful Creatures53Freak54Like A Boss55SugarCrash!56Far Away57Close Eyes58Drive It Like You Stole It59Fire Hell and Holy Water60Play61Endless Fantasy62I Can't Stop63Hypnocurrency64Astronaut In The Ocean (Alok Remix)65Burn It All Down66Drive Away67Sky High (feat. Nonô)68Let It Go69The Last Goodbye (feat. Bettye LaVette)70The Nights71Fight Back72Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites73Stop The World74Gassed Up (feat. Flowdan)758 Bit Superhero76Revolution (feat. Imanos & Faustix & Kai)77Resurrected78Bullseye79Your Love (9PM)80Execute81Let's Get It82Sixteen & Free83Run It84Love Here (Bassnectar Remix)85Danger Zone (feat. Mr. Nickelz)86RAGNAROK87Shockwave88Ghost89Only Want U90Bustamove (Sleepy Tom Remix)91Pressurize92Rise Up (feat. Vamero)93My Toy94Apex95Cant Squad with Us96Alive97Sad Machine98Pogo People99First of the Year (Equinox)100The Paradox101Immunity102Where Are You Now (feat. Bright Lights) (Hunter Siegel Remix)103Still Getting It104The Werewolf Returns