Moonsighting or Calculation? Muslims in Australia have their say
The beginning and ending of lunar months hold significant religious and cultural importance for Muslims around the world. They determine when two pillars of Islam, Ramadan fasting and pilgrimage, will be practiced each year. Every year, the commencement and conclusion of Ramadan and Eid are subject to controversy and dispute, particularly for Muslims in Western countries. An online survey was conducted among Australian Muslims to gather data on their practices and experiences in Australia. The response to the online survey was overwhelming. A total of 5,584 participants across the country responded to the survey within the two weeks of data collection immediately after Eid 2023. This high level of participation reflects the issue’s importance, strong interest and impact on the Australian Muslim community.In this informative podcast, Dr Mehmet Ozalp and Ustadh Ikramullah Ahmed discuss the findings of the report and what we can learn from them.The survey was carefully prepared and passed through the ethics committee at Charles Sturt University. This is the first time in Australia and to our knowledge around the world when Muslims have been asked about their practices and opinions on this issue. The results are published in a full report accessible on https://www.isra.org.au/isra-publications/.