Douglasville Impact With Judge Beau McClain and Operation Christmas 2020
Judge Beau McClain has been a dedicated public servant for decades. Not only is he one of our most respected Judges, he has been involved in ministry in Douglas County for years. Operation Christmas, has been an amazing outreach for our children, and their parents. In 2020, the need has never been greater, and Operation Christmas is once again filling that need. On this edition of Douglasville Impact, Judge McClain tells us about the history of Operation Christmas, and how we can help make this Christmas a little brighter for some great kids in our area. Douglasville's Social Media Coordinator, Allison Parker and Webmaster, Chris Dixon, join host Jason Post, for today's show.
Show Notes:
City of Douglasville Website: douglasvillega.gov/
City of Douglasville on Comcast: CITI TV, Channel 22 throughout Douglas County
City of Douglasville on YouTube: youtube.com/user/douglasvillecititv
City of Douglasville on Facebook: facebook.com/CityofDouglasvilleGA/
City of Douglasville on Instagram: instagram.com/cityofdouglasvillega/
Jason Post Email: postj@douglasvillega.gov
Chris Dixon Email: dixonc@douglasvillega.gov
Allison Parker Email: parkera@douglasvillega.gov
Operation Christmas on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheElfSquad