You Can't Reason Your Way To A Sale

3 Second Selling

27-09-2022 • 7 min

Do you want the good news first, or the bad? The good news is, it has never been easier to reach large numbers of people. The bad news? It has never been more difficult to actually connect with them. And creating emotional connections, quickly, as in seconds, is vital if we are to earn someone’s time and attention, and eventually, their business.

However, research shows that over three-fourths of our sales and marketing messaging consists primarily of bombarding our audience with large amounts of infill and information, features and specs.  That is not going to put you on the path to persuade, move, convince – and sell.

Here’s why. It’s not the way our brains work, the way we are wired.

You see, reasons lead to conclusions, while emotions lead to actions. And every single decision we make, including every buying decision certainly, is rooted in – and driven by – emotion.

So if you're trying to create behavior change, i.e., get somebody to do something, that happens by speaking to their feelings and creating an emotional connection.

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