In the debut episode of "The Move," a four-part narrative podcast series on the Colts' move to Indianapolis, host JJ Stankevitz tells the story of the rise and fall of the Baltimore Colts. What about the Colts led Baltimore to view them as a major force of civic pride? How did the championship-winning franchise of Johnny Unitas fall into disarray so quickly? And why were both owners of the team – Carroll Rosenbloom and Robert Irsay – looking to get out of Baltimore? You'll hear from Jim Irsay, Pete Ward, Jon Scott, Rick Venturi, John Ziemann, Nestor Aparicio, Gerry Sandusky and more in the episode.
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Futebol no Mundo
ESPN Brasil, Alex Tseng, Gustavo Hofman, Leonardo Bertozzi, Ubiratan Leal Semana NFL
ESPN Brasil, Fernando Nardini, Antony Curti