Ep. 37 The no-code approach: ‘playing Lego’ with apps

Veriff Voices

20-11-2024 • 30 min

In the past few years, the no-code approach to IT development has gone rapidly mainstream. We spoke to Jeremy Joly, Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer at compliance and onboarding platform spektr, about the benefits of no-code and how Veriff’s solutions fit into their no-code ecosystem.

[00:28] Introduction
[02:11] spektr's transformation of the compliance and onboarding space
[03:42] spektr's approach to creating a better experience for the end user
[04:48] Challenges in the KYC/compliance landscape, and learnings from this and previous ventures
[06:35] Anticipated trends and shifts in the compliance space over the next 12 months
[09:03] spektr's approach to the compliance ecosystem
[10:29] Challenges faced by spektr that led to collaboration with Veriff
[12:55] spektr's creation of an easy no-code or low-code solution for users
[15:13] Speed of implementation and how quickly customers see the benefits of spektr’s solution
[17:18] How Veriff’s database enhances spektr’s document coverage and its role as a key selling point
[20:55] spektr’s ultra-responsiveness, feedback loops, and personalization to adapt to customer needs
[23:30] Key metrics used to measure spektr's success in transforming compliance
[26:47] spektr’s future vision and anticipated compliance trends

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