The BRAIN Can be Wrong About PAIN

Super Human Radio

23-08-2023 • 1 hora 3 min

SHR # 3016:: The BRAIN Can be Wrong About PAIN - Dr. Amy Baxter, MD FAAP FACEP, CEO plus Chief Medical Officer - Summary: Doctors don't learn much about pain in medical school. Purdue Pharma taught us in the 90's that a pill could fix pain, the goal was pain free, and outpatient opioids aren't addictive. We now know the latter isn't true, but the damage is done: we still believe the first two. Instead, new fMRI data shows us pain is mostly what we EXPECT to feel, and is a mix of physiology, fear, and control. The brain can be wrong about pain, and it can be overruled, and it can be tricked a little with some brain "connectome" hacks. In case it's a big deal, wanted to give you the chance to get dibs on a podcast if your listeners would like this. On our website we will be focusing on appropriate post-surgical home pain relief, opioid use disorder risk factors, and the research on how exercise and ignoring chronic pain work from a neurobiological standpoint. - CARL RECOMMENDS: - - View and download all shows at - Visit us on Instagram: @superhumanradio - Support SHR -

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