Episode 30- Cheryl Wunderlich

The Collected Podcast

09-05-2019 • 0 segundos

Rhyths of rest, God's design for sacred rest, and out fight to find rest in a restless world. If you are weary, this episode is going to bless you big time. Cheryl Wunderlich is a wife, mother, author and three-time cancer survivor. Connect with Cheryl at rhythmsofrest.net.


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To learn more about Collected Workshops email hello@collectedworkshops.com. Collected workshops are centered on worship, restorative creativity, and designated time for reflection, evaluation, and setting intentions. We provide a safe environment for practicing low-stakes creative risk-taking that will spur participants on to have the grit and courage to embrace their gifting and step further into their calling.

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This episode of The Collected Podcast was recorded and edited by Jacob Early.

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