Pearl Jam's Eddie Vedder & Jeff Ament on DK Metcalf, Seattle Athletes, & Voting. MNF Recap. Cam Newton. Burrow vs Herbert.

Green Light with Chris Long

28-10-2020 • 1 hora 32 min

(0:34) - Welcome and Pearl Jam intro. (7:00) - Pearl Jam on Getting our to Vote. (30:26) - Pearl Jam on Seattle Athletes. (49:30) - Pearl Jam on Pearl Jam. (1:08:16) - Chris on MNF, Cam Newton, and Burrow vs Herbert. Join Eddie and Jeff by taking the PJ Votes pledge, and committing to: Vote By Mail, Recruit Three Friends, and Don't Wait! Green Light with Chris Long: Subscribe and enjoy weekly content including podcasts, documentaries, live chats, celebrity interviews and more including hot news items, trending discussions from the NFL, MLB, NHL, NBA, NCAA are just a small part of what we will be sharing with you. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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