TN:93 The Chainsmokers

Tape Notes

17-05-2022 • 1 hora 22 min

In this episode, John heads to Miloco’s The Yard Studios to catch up with The Chainsmokers, Alex and Drew, talking through how they wrote, recorded and produced their latest album ‘So Far, So Good’. Giving us a glimpse into their Hawaii writing sessions and drunken nights in the studio, the duo share the initial sparks and early ideas (both good and not so good) that developed into the final tracks.  As well as a beat building masterclass, creating drum patterns that no one would ever think up, the pair reflect on removing any pressure from their writing process and the impact it had on their creativity. Listen to find out how to get away with recycling beats from different songs, why sometimes it pays to be the least organised producer in the game, and what the best question to ask yourself is in order to handle almost every situation. Tracks discussed: If You’re Serious, iPad, I Love U   Listen to ‘So Far, So Good’ here. ‘So Far, So Good’ - Disruptor Records/Columbia Records   Intro Music - Sunshine Buddy, Laurel Collective    LINKS TO EVERYTHING TAPE NOTES    GEAR MENTIONS Arturia Analogue Lab Arturia Plugins Antares Auto-Tune  iZotope Trash 2 Output REV Output EXHALE Output SIGNAL Soundtoys AlterBoy U-He Diva Xfer LFO Tool Zynaptiq Pitchmap Native Instrument FM8 Synth Apogee Duet Interface Apogee Symphony Interface Neumann Mics Telefunken Mics Gibson Les Paul Yamaha Baby Grand Piano Mason Hamlin Piano Nord Keyboards Steinway Pianos   OUR GEAR    HELP SUPPORT THE SHOW If you'd like to help support the show you can donate as little or as much as you'd like here, (we really appreciate your contributions :)  Donate   KEEP UP TO DATE For behind the scenes photos and the latest updates, make sure to follow us on:  Instagram: @tapenotes  Twitter: @tapenotes  Facebook: @tapenotespodcast   YouTube: Tape Notes Podcast Discord: Tape Notes To let us know the artists you’d like to hear, Tweet us, slide into our DMs, send us an email or even a letter. We’d love to hear!  Visit our website to join our mailing list:    TAPE NOTES TEAM Will Brown - Executive Producer, Engineer & Editor Tim Adam-Smith - Executive Producer Will Lyons - Editor Herbie Elton-Rowley - Videographer Sam Nahirny - Photographer and Camera Assistant George Durston - Production Assistant Nathan Hetherington - PR Rebecca Ibbotson - Digital Marketing