Meanie Roo Book Reviews- Book 3 Plandemic Mikki Willis 100% Censored. 0% Debunked. Fear is the Virus. Truth is the Cure. Host: Ms. Kate " Meanie Roo," Morgan Review

Meanie Roo Podcast

12-05-2024 • 26 min

Season 3 Meanie Roo Book Reviews- Book 3:"Plandemic Mikki Willis  100% Censored. 0% Debunked. Fear is the Virus. Truth is the Cure." Host: Ms. Kate " Meanie Roo," Morgan Review

Meanie Roo Podcast Brings you Book 3 - Book 3: " Plandemic Mikki Willis  100% Censored. 0% Debunked. Fear is the Virus. Truth is the Cure."

I dare you to try and Debunk the facts in this book! I plan to write a full Blog on this book tomorrow. I will put page numbers and write out the quotes and studies. To allow you to better understand how they have gotten away with using Marketing and Public relations, to steer people into making decisions based on the lowest vibration of Fear. The idea is to confuse people on purpose to have a specific outcome.

Mr. Willis truly has taken this topic and brought it to life for the reader. Most lived through what he is addressing in this book. Maybe, at the time you did not truly understand what was going on. Maybe, you felt in your gut you were not getting told the whole truth. Maybe, you put some things together yourself but were told you are just trying to find a problem. You are just looking for patterns, trying to cause trouble. Have you ever felt like the whole truth is not being told? Well, if so this book is for you. It helps you piece together a lot of society's questions on how could they have been allowed to do that. How is no one in jail? Does the government experiment on people? This book is truly brilliant and will last for generations to come. I pray they use this book in Marketing and Healthcare as a teaching tool.

Please take a listen as I go over key chapters and Patents that allowed the framework that allowed and led up to the Covid 19 Plandemic. It is interesting how he has offered so much money to all these, " Experts," to debunk his finding.  Explain to me why none of them will debate him publicly. Because we all know if you followed the science it would lead to people’s bank accounts. Greed is real! Great book on real-life situations that the mainstream media will not, do you hear me? WILL NOT AIR! Due to the fact of the real information. They feel that the more censored you are. The better they can cattle call the masses.

Thank you so much for listening to the Meanie Roo Podcast! The next book will be up next week! Happy Mother's Day to ALL!

Book Link:

Thank you,

Ms. Kate " Meanie Roo," Morgan

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