Painful Podcast
Yeah, I have a bad back so let's soldier on. First, check out Chris over at https://www.youtube.com/c/ChrisEdwardsMagic and lets put some love into his hard work. Also, I am looking at learning more about Mentalism and doing less with playing cards as well, so with even less budget, I am looking at getting some value for money mentalism effects. So far Spidey over at https://www.youtube.com/c/SpideyHypnosis has some great teaching as well as his AB See effect I have on the wish list.
Enjoys and when the next two weeks are over, I should have more time for podcasts and maybe a Vlog :)
My new website is over at https://sites.google.com/view/magicianonashoestringwebsite/home as its free and easy for me to maintain, checkout out the affiliate page and see if you can help as well. Even just a click will help me.