Not every year is going to be plain sailing in your business.
Not every year is going to be a growth year.
Or one where you hit your goal.
Or one that you feel proud of.
But you wouldn’t know that to be normal in business - if you were basing your expectations for your success…on what every online business owner and coach is posting about their successes.
Particularly this time of year - it is very common for coaches and other business owners to be bragging about their awesome year and their amazing successes, and then selling you their secrets as to how they did it.
Or encouraging you to come to their strategy workshop to use their process for planning out your next year.
But BEFORE you sign up, BEFORE you go - I want you to avoid making the same mistakes you made and experiencing the same challenges you had this year, all over again…
And to do that - you have to know what they were…
This is why I do an end-of-year review BEFORE I plan my next year.
And this is what I am sharing in the latest episode of the Time and Productivity Podcast for Entrepreneurs.