Perception Is Not Reality Song

The Kitty Max Prayer Warrior Show

10-08-2020 • 1 min

In this episode, I sing a definition song, called, Perception Is Not Reality. Our perceptions are not reality. Thinking that perception is reality is a mind control programming belief system that has been engineered by the high level rulers on top of the pyramid, through social media engineering and by some other methods.

So, it is true that our perceptions are not reality. Reality is reality.

The Holy Spirit has given me the idea to start singing the definitions that Mark Passio teaches about in his seminar videos at his website page, called, and at Mark Passio's Youtube Channel, What On Earth Is Happening.

I have gotten this Perception Is Not Reality definition from Mark Passio's seminar teaching video, called, New Age Bullshit And The Suppression Of The Sacred Masculine.

Also, please tune into listening to Mark Passio's audio podcasts, from 001 to 233 in subsequent ORDER at Mark Passio's website, called,, to gain a better understanding about what Mark Passio's seminar teachings by listening to his audio podcasts in Order from 001 to 233. Enjoy! 😄🌏😄