Hist-eerie Podcast

Diane Ladley

History’s eeriest, true ghost stories, expertly told by Diane Ladley, ”America’s Ghost Storyteller”. It’s history...with the lights out! read less


The Happiest Haunted House in America
The Happiest Haunted House in America
What makes a ghost? According to legend and lore, a ghost is created from sudden death, regrets, despair, and murder. There are no ghosts created from happiness. Or are there? In this long-awaited Christmas holiday episode of the Hist-eerie podcast, "America's Ghost Storyteller" Diane Ladley, introduces you to a most unusual haunted house in Savannah, Georgia; filled with a large family of ghosts who happily abide together forever in their own little piece of Heaven on earth.  Rated PG-13, not for younger or more sensitive listeners due to graphic descriptions of certain dark historical events and facts.

 Special Note to You From Diane: "Hi there! Just a note to say that while this episode features some (deliciously dark!) traditional Christmas music and mentions Christmas specifically, please be assured that its message is intended to warm the hearts of people of all faiths, or of no faith at all, during this most magical, supernatural time of year." 
"THE HAPPIEST HAUNTED HOUSE IN AMERICA" Hist-eerie Podcast Episode #17, **HELP CREATE MORE HIST-EERIE!** Monthly sponsorships as low as $1 on Patreon.com: https://www.patreon.com/Hist_eerie One-time donations as low as $2 via Paypal to diane@Hist-eerie.com. You can also visit Diane's donation webpage on the Hist-eerie website. And as always, please SUBSCRIBE, RATE and REVIEW us on your podcast provider! "Like" Hist-eerie On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HistEerie/ Follow Diane On Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/Hist_eerie 
References, Credits on the Hist-eerie Website: http://www.Hist-eerie.com SOUND EFFECTS: FreeSoundEffects.com Zapsplat.com SoundBible.com FreeSound.org FreeSoundEffect.net Looperman.com MUSIC: Alan Piljak - Flying Away. Silverlight by Alan Špiljak is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License. Based on a work at http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Alan_Spiljak/ Scott Lawlor - scott_lawlor_horror_atmosphere_dark_lfe_droning_confused_039 at Zapsplat.com Kevin MacLeod - Classic Horror 3 (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons- By Attribution 3.0 License http- creativecommons.org licenses by 3.0 Kai Engel - February.  February by Kai Engel is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial License. Nicolas Gasparini (Myuu) - Facing Darkness, Disintegrating (Music Box Vers), Carol of the Bells (Christmas Cover), Jingle Bells (Dark Piano Ver.), Silent Night (Dark Piano Ver.). http://thedarkpiano.com. Thank You For Listening, and Happy Holidays to You and Yours! Keywords: Christmas ghost stories, Dickens Christmas Carol, ghosts, Christmas spirit, true ghost stories for Christmas, spooky scary ghost stories, haunted houses, Savannah Georgia ghosts.
Award-winning "America's Ghost Storyteller", Diane Ladley, presents a thrilling work of audio fan fiction in honor of HBO®'s GAME OF THRONES television show and George R.R. Martin's novels. Remember Old Nan, the elderly woman who told the boy Bran such bone-chilling scary stories of the Night King, Corpse Queen, Mad Axe, and others? Diane re-tells Old Nan's stories (northern Scottish accent and all!), spinning those terrifying legends that sprang from George Martin's deliciously fearsome imagination. Listen, and you'll feel as if you're the boy Bran Stark himself, huddled in his bed as Old Nan does her best to scare the wits out of him...and succeeds. 

 ** HIST-EERIE IS FREE...BUT HERE'S HOW YOU CAN HELP CREATE MORE NEW EPISODES!** Monthly sponsorships as low as $1 on Patreon.com: https://www.patreon.com/Hist_eerie One-time donations as low as $2 via Paypal to diane@Hist-eerie.com. You can also visit Diane's donation webpage at: https://histeerie.podbean.com/p/slip-diane-a-tip/ And as always, please SUBSCRIBE, RATE and REVIEW us on your podcast provider! "Like" Hist-eerie On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HistEerie/ Follow Diane On Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/Hist_eerie 
Visit the Hist-eerie Website: http://www.Hist-eerie.com CREDITS: Martin, George R.R., A GAME OF THRONES, Bantam Books, New York, New York, Copyright 1996. Martin, George R.R., A STORM OF SWORDS, Bantam Books, New York, New York, Copyright 2000. Old Nan Image copyright: HBO • SKY ATLANTIC IDEA: International Dialects of English Archive, Scotland 22. 
Subject: Age 80, Scottish/Caucasian, from Glasgow and Isle of Tiree. RECORDED BY: Flloyd Kennedy. DATE OF RECORDING: 21/08/2014 https://www.dialectsarchive.com/scotland-22 SOUND EFFECTS: freesoundeffects.com zapsplat.com SOUNDBIBLE.COM freesound.org ScottLawlor.com Felix Blume Reitanna Little Robot Sound Factory Mike Koenig Blastwave MUSIC: "The Dread" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons- By Attribution 3.0 License http- creativecommons.org licenses by 3.0 "Reign Supreme" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons- By Attribution 3.0 License http- creativecommons.org licenses by 3.0 "Slough of Despair" No Artist Listed, TheHolidaySpot.com Licensed under Creative Commons- By Attribution 3.0 License http- creativecommons.org licenses by 3.0   Thank You For Listening..And For Sharing With Your Friends & Family!
Tiny Footsteps
Tiny Footsteps
Ghost children. No other paranormal entity is more desperately tragic and heart-rending to our emotions—or more capable of freezing the blood in our veins—than that of a child haunting the site of their death. Saddest of all are the ghosts of children who had been abandoned by their parents and society, left into the cold, indifferent care of orphanages and foundling hospitals from ages past. At their best, such places throughout history were comfortable and clean, where the children were given simple education, trained for future work, and properly fed. At their worst, orphanages were their own circle of Hell. This episode of Hist-eerie—the second in a three-part series—explores the innocent children who were condemned in life by society's most callous doctrines...and whose ghosts condemn us after their deaths. **HOW YOU CAN HELP CREATE MORE HIST-EERIE!** Monthly sponsorships as low as $1 on Patreon.com: https://www.patreon.com/Hist_eerie One-time donations as low as $2 via Paypal to diane@Hist-eerie.com You can also visit Diane's donation webpage at: https://histeerie.podbean.com/p/slip-diane-a-tip/ And as always, please SUBSCRIBE, RATE and REVIEW us on your favorite podcast provider! "Like" Hist-eerie On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HistEerie/ Follow Diane On Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/Hist_eerie References on the Hist-eerie Website: http://www.Hist-eerie.com SFX CREDITS: SOUNDBIBLE.COM just_born_baby-daniel_simon.mp3 grsites.com MUSIC: "Nursery" http://www.orangefreesounds.com/creepy-doll-music-box/ "The Dread" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons- By Attribution 3.0 License http- creativecommons.org licenses by 3.0 "Air Prelude" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons- By Attribution 3.0 License http- creativecommons.org licenses by 3.0 scott_lawlor_horror_atmosphere_dark_sinister_heavy_depressing_047 "Phantasm" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons- By Attribution 3.0 License http- creativecommons.org licenses by 3.0 "Unnatural Situation" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons- By Attribution 3.0 License http- creativecommons.org licenses by 3.0 "Crowd Hammer" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons- By Attribution 3.0 License http- creativecommons.org licenses by 3.0 "Road to Hell" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons- By Attribution 3.0 License http- creativecommons.org licenses by 3.0 "Classic Horror 2" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons- By Attribution 3.0 License http- creativecommons.org licenses by 3.0 Thank You For Listening! Keywords: Ghosts, haunted orphanages, Halloween, true ghost stories, paranormal encounters, spooky scary ghost stories, supernatural, haunt
Cauld, Cauld, Forever Cauld
Cauld, Cauld, Forever Cauld
THIS EPISODE IS RATED R. NOT FOR YOUNGER OR MORE SENSITIVE LISTENERS. Of all the various specters that fill history's supernatural lore, none terrify us more than the ghosts of dead children. From the twin girls standing in the hotel's hallway in Stephen King's The Shining, to the alien children with all-black eyes begging to be let inside your car, to the Douens of folklore in the jungles of Trinidad with their backward feet and faces as smooth and blank as eggs, we are obsessed in our terror of creepy dead children. Why is that? In this cold January episode of Hist-eerie, we'll explore one reason why the world history of ghost children never fails to freeze our blood...the haunting sense of parental guilt. **HOW YOU CAN HELP CREATE MORE HIST-EERIE!** Monthly sponsorships as low as $1 on Patreon.com: https://www.patreon.com/Hist_eerie One-time donations as low as $2 via Paypal to diane@Hist-eerie.com. You can also visit Diane's donation webpage at: https://histeerie.podbean.com/p/slip-diane-a-tip/ And as always, please SUBSCRIBE, RATE and REVIEW us on your podcast provider! "Like" Hist-eerie On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HistEerie/ Follow Diane On Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/Hist_eerie 
References on the Hist-eerie Website: http://www.Hist-eerie.com CREDITS: https://www.freesfx.co.uk freesoundeffects.com Zapsplat.com SOUNDBIBLE.COM Foley_YouTube_AudioLibrary MUSIC: "Echoes of Time" v2 Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons- By Attribution 3.0 License http- creativecommons.org licenses by 3.0 "Sunset at Glengorm" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons- By Attribution 3.0 License http- creativecommons.org licenses by 3.0 Nicolas Gasparini (Myuu) - "Cold Shivers" (selection) http://thedarkpiano.com "Phantasm" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons- By Attribution 3.0 License http- creativecommons.org licenses by 3.0 "Digital Bark" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons- By Attribution 3.0 License http- creativecommons.org licenses by 3.0 "Road to Hell" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons- By Attribution 3.0 License http- creativecommons.org licenses by 3.0 "Crowd Hammer" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons- By Attribution 3.0 License http- creativecommons.org licenses by 3.0 Thank You For Listening!
These Ghosts Want Your Vote!
These Ghosts Want Your Vote!
Would you live in the most paranormally active house in the U.S.? Where more people have died and more ghosts haunt it than any other single family home in the nation? You'd have to be nuts. Yet some people would do anything to live there. Because it means they'd be the world's most powerful person. The address is 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington D.C. The White House. On this episode of Hist-eerie, Diane Ladley, "America's Ghost Storyteller", will slip you past the Secret Service on a private ghost tour inside the mansion that has terrified presidents for centuries. **HOW YOU CAN HELP CREATE MORE HIST-EERIE!** Monthly sponsorships as low as $1 on Patreon.com: https://www.patreon.com/Hist_eerie One-time donations as low as $2 via Paypal to diane@Hist-eerie.com. You can also visit Diane's donation webpage at: https://histeerie.podbean.com/p/slip-diane-a-tip/ And as always, please SUBSCRIBE, RATE and REVIEW us on your podcast provider! "Like" Hist-eerie On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HistEerie/ Follow Diane On Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/Hist_eerie 
References, Credits on the Hist-eerie Website: http://www.Hist-eerie.com CREDITS: Sound Effects: https://www.freesfx.co.uk/sfx/knock MUSIC: Nicolas Gasparini (Myuu) - Haunted House, Outsider, On the Chain, The Forsaken, What Could Have Been, Wind's Wreck, Rising Walls I love Myuu's haunting music! Check out his other works at http://thedarkpiano.com slough-of-despond No Artist Listed. TheHolidaySpot.com Thank You For Listening!
The Cursed German U-Boat
The Cursed German U-Boat
Something evil lurked within the steel and iron body of the World War I German U-boat, the UB-65. Frightened sailors named it both haunted AND cursed—but how? In this one-year anniversary episode of Hist-eerie, Diane Ladley, "America's Ghost Storyteller", separates fact from fiction behind one of maritime history's most terrifying legends with, "The Cursed WWI German U-boat, UB-65". The ill-fated submarine was forged in the hellish fires of war to wreck devastation upon Germany's enemies. Did some supernatural entity turn Hell back on its creators and crew? Now at rest in its eternal grave at the bottom of the sea, the doomed submarine's tally of bizarre deaths stands at 56 men...and counting. Because its deadly curse lives on! 
 This episode is rated PG, Parental guidance suggested. **HOW YOU CAN HELP CREATE MORE HIST-EERIE!** Monthly sponsorships as low as $1 on Patreon.com: https://www.patreon.com/Hist_eerie One-time donations as low as $2 via Paypal to diane@Hist-eerie.com. You can also visit Visit Diane's donation webpage at: https://histeerie.podbean.com/p/slip-diane-a-tip/ And as always, please SUBSCRIBE, RATE and REVIEW us on your podcast provider! "Like" Hist-eerie On "Like" Hist-eerie on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HistEerie/ Follow Diane On Follow Diane & Hist-eerie on Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/Hist_eerie 
References, Credits on the Hist-eerie Website: http://www.Hist-eerie.com SPECIAL THANKS TO: freesoundeffects.com Zapsplat.com SOUNDBIBLE.COM MUSIC: Scott Lawlor - scott_lawlor_horror_atmosphere_dark_sinister_heavy_depressing at Zapsplat.com Nicolas Gasparini (Myuu) - Into the Depths, MSP#3ABYSS, Fatal Shrine, MSP#3ECHO, Facing Darkness, Lights Out, Ghost Town, Haunted By Screams. http://thedarkpiano.com CriadCrias - Chairs. Label Ekleipsi. Available at http://freemusicarchive.org/music/CriadCrias/Halloween_Compilation/CriadCrias_Chairs_64kb Thank You For Listening!
Midnight in the Asylum Cemetery, Part 2: The Hauntings
Midnight in the Asylum Cemetery, Part 2: The Hauntings
Part two of "Midnight in the Asylum Cemetery" explores the spooky, ghostly encounters people have reported for over 100 years at the former Elgin, IL asylum buildings and paupers' cemetery. In a unique twist, this episode features actual, UNTOUCHED recordings of mysterious paranormal activity experienced during several of Diane's Haunted Hometowns, Inc. ghost tours.  Those haunted history tours took place late at night within the isolated, abandoned graveyard and the windswept asylum grounds that used to encompass over 1,000 acres, and where lost souls of asylum patients are still said to roam...a legend proven by the startling evidence captured on these recordings!  BONUS FEATURE FOR YOUR WINTER HOLIDAY...Just for fun, Diane sings a Christmas carol she composed, "Werewolves in a Winter Wonderland, With Apologies to Bing".  (Her voice is professionally trained, it will not add to the horror.)  "Midnight in the Asylum Cemetery, Part 2: The Hauntings", is a very special, compelling and fascinating episode with actual, untouched recorded evidence of convincing paranormal activity. Do NOT miss this episode! This fifth episode in the Hist-eerie podcast series was researched, written, voiced, and produced by Diane Ladley, whom other storytellers once named, "America's Ghost Storyteller".  Credits, source material and references will be posted on the Hist-eerie website, as soon as we finish design updates.  Your name will go down in Hist-eerie when you become a valued VIP friend and support future episodes by visiting our page on Patreon.com/Hist-eerie. Patronage levels start at just $1 per episode (about one every 3-4 weeks), and the rewards get more exciting the higher you go; you can even have Diane come out to your town and tell her ghostly stories at your special event!  While the podcast will ALWAYS be free, Diane is so thankful for those Hist-eerie enthusiasts who show their appreciation with a little tip money each episode.  Say hello on our Facebook page!  Visit our webpage as soon as we finish designing it! www.Hist-eerie.com