Today is the highly anticipated conclusion of my conversation with Nicole Newnum! I told you her testimony was FIRE!! Today we hear more of how God moved in your life and I can guarantee you will have goosebumps! It's soooo good!!
Life can be hard. We can make choices that lead us to places we don’t want to be. Places where we come face to face with the enemy himself. But the Lord rescues us. Our Great God comes to our rescue even when we don’t ask him to.
My guest today is Nicole Newnum. A friend with a testimony of God’s lovingkindness poured out all over her life. She is a fierce warrior for Christ now but that was not always her story. She has stories from her past that are ugly and hard but instead of being ashamed of them she uses them how God intended, to put on full display his desire to rescue us. She invites us into the depths of her story so that we can see just how God was working in every season of it. Because of that it’s going to take two weeks to cover it all, so get ready for a fun ride!! It’s going to be a wonderful display of how amazing our great King Jesus is!
If you'd like more encouragement to start your days make sure and check out the 2-3 min daily scripture dives called CCK's right here! Scripture focused time to help us hear from God’s living word. The combination of both real-life experiences with Jesus and daily scripture dives will set us up for a life more focused on Christ.
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Music: Happy Clappy Ukulele by Shane Ivers -
Spark Of Inspiration by Shane Ivers -
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Music: Happy Clappy Ukulele by Shane Ivers -
Spark Of Inspiration by Shane Ivers -