Meet the Candidates: Joe Earley, Candidate for U. S. Congress, West Virginia District 2

The BobCast MOV

14-01-2024 • 1 hora 21 min

Here are a few words from his website about why he's running for Congress: "As a patriot and a veteran, I have stood in the gap as a firewall, defending freedom from tyranny and liberty from oppression. As the elected representative of the 2nd District of West Virginia, I will honor the legacy of past generations of Americans that sacrificed greatly to make America the great nation it is. Our country will stand, once again, as a beacon of Freedom and Individual Liberty. Together, we will stop the increasing levels of government bureaucracies aided by "woke" corporate henchmen. Together, we will support the current generation of soldiers and families that bear the ugly scars of endless wars – many of whom have made the ultimate sacrifice in selfless service to our country to preserve the American Way of Life." His online presence:

Read his bio here:

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