In this episode, I’m talking with TJ Kirk. TJ is a husband, father, minister, and educator and was recently named as the new vice president of student services at Freed-Hardeman University. TJ has been in education since 2006, serving in several roles such as principal, assistant principal, teacher, and coach. His wife Sheridan is a special education teacher in the Chester County school system, and they have two wonderful daughters.
Let’s face it, middle school is a weird time. And for most of us, that life stage was mostly about survival. Voices change, people smell weird, clothes don’t fit right, you remember it. TJ and I discuss how we, as parents, can help our kids navigate this ever-changing landscape. He also shares some ideas for how we can effectively minister to teachers and staff while positively impacting the culture of our schools.
TJ is a humble and gifted communicator, and I’m grateful for his time. I learn something new every time I hear him speak. This conversation was no different. Thanks for joining us. I hope this conversation is helpful.
You can find TJ on Facebook or reach him by email at