Every Life Matters in the Global Community: Sheldrick Wildlife Trust

We Can Remake The World

04-10-2021 • 59 min

Every life matters. In Nature, nothing is insignificant. Every member of an ecosystem is needed to help that community thrive, yet as humans we often pretend like we are the only ones who matter. There is a lot that the natural world can teach us about caring for each other and our planet. Today we're joined by Melissa Sciacca, US executive director for the globally-respected David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust based in east Africa. The Sheldrick Trust manages large areas of land in Kenya, protecting elephants and rhinos from threats like poaching, and caring for orphaned wildlife before releasing them back into the wild. Melissa gives us a window into the experiences of African wildlife, what we can learn from them, and how we can ensure that these beautiful animals continue to grow in numbers for generations to come.

Learn more about the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust at https://www.sheldrickwildlifetrust.org/.

CHALLENGE: Adopt a species. Pick an animal you love and learn more about the challenges they face and how we can protect them. Take action in whatever way makes sense to you, and share what you learn with others.

TAKEAWAYS: 1: We are all members of a global community, and if we can act from that understanding we can change the world. 2: There is a lot to learn from Nature and the animal kingdom which could help us rethink our world for the better. 3: You can be an ambassador for the causes you care about.

Visit www.wecanremaketheworld.com for more info and resources.

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