We Can Do Better

We Can Remake The World

15-11-2021 • 35 min

We can do better. Sounds obvious, right? So why don't we? As we get closer to the end of the year and begin to reflect on 2021 and all that we've experienced, it's time to start thinking about the path we want to be on moving forward. Some things we can't control but there's so much that we CAN do. Nathan explores some of the keys mindsets that will take us from where we are to the world we want to be part of. 1) Believe we can do better. 2) Be constructive with our dissatisfaction with the way things are. 3) Own our power. With these three simple shifts, we can take the first major steps toward transforming our world into something we can be proud of.

Join us and get inspired. Be part of the change you wish to see. Visit www.wecanremaketheworld.com for more info and resources.

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