2022: Rising to the Challenge

We Can Remake The World

17-01-2022 • 45 min

New year, new chance. But how many more chances will we have? We're at a very important moment where two paths are possible. One path combines courage and cooperation to bring about a better world through improvements in every area of our society. A better world based on a new set of values which value and preserve life and basic rights. The other path keeps us headed in our current direction with an uncertain and difficult outcome. Which will we choose? How can we get excited about this opportunity instead of anxious? What can we do to get started today? How can we finally build the better world we know is possible to ensure the health of people and planet for generations? Nathan explores these questions and more in our first episode to kick off 2022.

Visit www.wecanremaketheworld.com for more info, resources, and past episodes! Tune in, get inspired, and be part of the solution.

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