The Power of Activism: Right Livelihood Award

We Can Remake The World

31-01-2022 • 1 hora 23 min

The power of the people is real, and it starts with each of us. Today we're joined by Ole von Uexkull of the Right Livelihood Foundation. Known worldwide as the "alternative Nobel Prize", the Right Livelihood Award celebrates and amplifies the work of people who are building change from the ground up within their local communities. Changemakers like Greta Thunberg, Edward Snowden, Daniel Ellsberg, Vandana Shiva, Mordechai Vanunu, and many more have been honored with the Right Livelihood Award for fighting for global human and environmental rights and for advocating for greater transparency from systems of power. Right Livelihood laureates are reimagining our world and building solutions to global problems right now. By following their example and engaging with our local communities we can build movements to reshape every aspect of society. True change has always grown out of action taken by citizens coming together to speak with one voice. Join us, learn more, get inspired, and take action today.

SUPPORT Right Livelihood: Learn more about RL laureates, support their work, donate, and get involved at Follow their work on Instagram and Twitter, and visit their college program at

CHALLENGE: Become an activist for a cause you believe in. Take action by joining local groups which are advocating for your chosen cause or add your voice to online activism efforts. Experience the feeling of getting directly involved with something you care about and amplify that message within your community.

TAKEAWAYS: 1: It's time to exercise our voices now. As individuals, within communities, and collectively. 2: We should never take our right to gather, organize, speak out, or protest for granted. 3: Our true arena for change is on the ground through grassroots movements based on community values. No true change has ever been legislated - change comes from citizens, laws come later.

Visit for more info and resources.

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