Dining Out to End Homelessness: Rethink Food

We Can Remake The World

01-11-2021 • 58 min

There is no reason for anyone to go hungry. And Matt Jozwiak of Rethink Food is on a mission to prove it. By partnering with top restaurants and small businesses around the United States, Rethink is creating a new model to end food insecurity. From their home base in New York City, Rethink funnels donations and resources to restaurants who create meals for those in need and they have already served millions of meals through their Rethink Certified program. Rethink shows us what's possible when we take what we already have and maximize the potential good we can do. Listen for ways you can become part of the mission to end hunger in the United States and around the world.

SUPPORT Rethink Food: Learn more, donate, and get involved at rethinkfood.org. Follow their mission on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

CHALLENGE: Commit to getting involved with food insecurity directly in your community. Seek out local community centers and offer your time as a volunteer, your financial support, or other resources like food. Get closer to the problem so that you can understand how to build the solution where you are.

TAKEAWAYS: 1: We don’t have to start from scratch to build a better world. We can simply rethink and improve what we already have. 2: Building relationships and strengthening communities is a major key to solving every problem we face. 3: Nobody has to solve any problem alone. We can build support systems to help each other make our individual impact.

Visit www.wecanremaketheworld.com for more info and resources.

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