Intentional Parenting

License to Parent with Trace Embry

16-10-2023 • 28 min

Intentional Parenting Open the Bible to Proverbs 22 and you will find these words, “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.” As parents you know you have 18 years to guide, direct, discipline, coach, and train your child “in the way he should go.” Those 18 years set them on a path for success in the world and hopefully eternity. That is what you hope for, right? You’re probably realizing that it takes time! Time and intentionality. Both time and intentionality take work. Being intentional with our time as we prepare our children for what lies ahead. Discussing Intentionality with Dave Glander Dave Glander was formerly a devout atheist and is now a deeply committed believer in Jesus Christ, and a Speaker for Reasons for Hope. Dave teaches Christians how to know what they believe and how to defend their faith. He is a pastor and founder of an apologetics youth camp called Equip Retreat and is the author of “How, Why, Where” and “The Faith Survival Guide." Episode Highlights: What does Deuteronomy 6:6-7 say? What does the “as you go” concept mean? What do our kids need to see in us all the time? What does Colossians 3:23 say? What is the average time a parent spends face-to-face with their child? Image from Canva