Women In Government Podcast

Women In Government

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Maternal Mental Health Month PSA - Missouri Rep. Gretchen Bangert
Maternal Mental Health Month PSA - Missouri Rep. Gretchen Bangert
Our country is experiencing a maternal mental health crisis. Mental health conditions are the most common complication of pregnancy and childbirth, affecting 1 in 5 mothers every year. May is Maternal Mental Health Month, an important time to think about the millions of women experiencing postpartum depression or PPD. These feelings are more intense and last longer than the baby blues. Many cases go undiagnosed, but we can help change that by recognizing the symptoms and supporting each other along the way. If you or a new mom in your life has feelings of guilt or helplessness, it may be due to PPD. Time matters! Acting now can help improve or even save a life. A variety of treatment options exist, and the first step is talking with a healthcare provider. Most people get better with early diagnosis and treatment, the best thing for a new mom and baby. For more, visit WomenInGovernment.org. ••••• ••••• ••••• Women In Government Foundation, Inc., headquartered in Washington, D.C., is a national non-profit, non-partisan organization of women state legislators that provides leadership opportunities, expert forums, and educational resources to address and resolve complex public policy issues to all women state legislators across the country. ••••• ••••• ••••• For more information, please visit womeningovernment.org Audio courtesy of OSUCHLUCK Productions, osuchluck.com
State as a Model Employer
State as a Model Employer
Women In Government Podcast State as a Model Employer to Engage a More Diverse and Representative Workforce According to the most recent U.S. Census data, there are more than 42-million Americans with disabilities. Across all age groups, these folks are more likely to be unemployed. That’s why state leaders, government agencies, and task forces are uniting to help advance inclusive policies and best practices that lead to increased employment opportunities for disabled people, and a stronger, more diverse American workforce and economy. This episode highlights how states can send a clear message that employment of people with disabilities is a high priority by implementing a comprehensive set of policies, practices, and processes, known collectively as State as a Model Employer (SAME) policies, to increase representation of people with disabilities within their own public-sector workforce. When acting as model employers, the states also have an opportunity to serve as test cases for private employers, demonstrating the economic and organizational benefits of hiring people with disabilities. Now is the time for leaders to take action. ••••• ••••• ••••• MODERATOR: Women In Government Board Director, Oklahoma Senator, Jessica Garvin GUEST #1: Minnesota Representative, Liz Reyer GUEST #2: Chief of Staff for the Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP), United States Department of Labor, Anupa Geevarghese ••••• ••••• ••••• For more information, please visit www.womeningovernment.org Audio courtesy of OSUCHLUCK Productions, www.osuchluck.com
Mental Health Matters
Mental Health Matters
Women In Government Podcast Mental Health Matters We’ve learned a lot over the past few years, especially about our nation’s resiliency and ability to come together in times of crisis. However, we continue to uncover the hard truths about some people who regularly suffer and live with disadvantages based on their overall health and well-being. One area of interest that’s certainly capturing our nation’s attention is mental health. As it has been reported, more than 50-million Americans live with a mental health condition, and over half of adults don’t receive treatment. Untreated mental health conditions can negatively impact employee performance, rates of illness, absenteeism, accidents and turnover. People often quit their jobs, and some may entirely drop out of the workforce. This doesn’t just hurt our country on the human-level, but there are other consequences, like a smaller tax base, a reduced workforce and increased social expenditures for states and local communities. For all these reasons, and many others, (SEED) the State Exchange on Employment & Disability launched the Mental Health Matters National Task Force to develop a series of frameworks to help state and local policymakers craft and adopt policies to promote the inclusion of people with mental health conditions in the workplace and bolster the behavioral health workforce. What's more, the CDC finds over half of Americans are diagnosed with a mental health condition at some point in their lives, and one in five will experience a mental health condition in a given year. These are more than numbers and statistics. These are the faces of our neighbors, friends and family members. This episode highlights how state and local lawmakers can work on policy and strategies that lead to the best and most promising practices that advance legislation which supports, promotes, and enriches the lives of those living with a mental health condition. ••••• ••••• ••••• MODERATOR: Women In Government Board Member, Colorado Representative, Dafna Michaelson Jenet GUEST #1: Oklahoma Representative, Ajay Pittman GUEST #2: Arkansas Representative, DeAnn Vaught ••••• ••••• ••••• For more information, please visit www.womeningovernment.org Audio courtesy of OSUCHLUCK Productions, www.osuchluck.com
The Co-Pandemic: Breaking Down Barriers to Mental Health Access in the Age of COVID-19
The Co-Pandemic: Breaking Down Barriers to Mental Health Access in the Age of COVID-19
Women In Government Podcast The Co-Pandemic: Breaking Down Barriers to Mental Health Access in the Age of COVID-19 The COVID-19 pandemic is making an existing mental health crisis worse. Experts are warning mental health issues and substance use disorders will be exacerbated for people who already have these conditions, and may lead to new mental health and substance use issues in the general population. On this episode of the Women In Government Podcast, our panel discusses how methods to restrict access to lifesaving medications can hurt patients and state budgets. Health outcomes data shows that prior authorization policies for psychotropic medications in Medicaid patient populations have led to poorer outcomes for patients, including medication discontinuation, lapses in care, homelessness, emergency room visits, incarceration and an increased use of crisis services. Mental health treatments are not one size fits all. Treatment plans should be designed between a patient and their doctor. ••••• ••••• ••••• MODERATOR: Connecticut State Representative and Women In Government Eastern Regional Director, Christie Carpino GUEST #1: Reyna Taylor, Vice President of Public Policy & Advocacy, The National Council for Behavioral Health GUEST #2: Dr. Manpreet K. Singh, MD, MS, Director for the STANFORD Pediatric Mood Disorders Program GUEST #3: Brenda Gleason, President and Founder, M2 Healthcare Consulting ••••• ••••• ••••• For more information, please visit www.womeningovernment.org and check out https://www.protectaccesstomhmeds.com/ Audio courtesy of OSUCHLUCK Productions, www.osuchluck.com
Bridging the Education Divide
Bridging the Education Divide
Women In Government Podcast Bridging the Education Divide COVID-19 has not only turned our healthcare, community, and business landscape upside down, it has also impacted our education system. Approximately 50 million students will attend school from home for at least part of the 2020/21 school year due to the pandemic. This dynamic shift in the method in which education is delivered has brought with it a host of problems, including the fact that millions of students without connectivity are disconnected from virtual classrooms and are wholely unable to participate in school. On this episode of the Women In Government Podcast, our panel discusses the digital divide in terms of children’s inability to complete their homework because of the gap in internet access. The situation it creates for students can easily be referred to as the HOMEWORK GAP. Similarly, with so many children now attending all or part of their actual school day virtually, what served as the HOMEWORK GAP has morphed into a more pressing SCHOOLWORK GAP, where students are unable to attend school. Fortunately, there are industry leaders who are stepping up and helping communities all across the country access the internet. Whether you live in a big city, small town or somewhere in between, where you live should not determine where you go in life. We learn that access to the internet means access to opportunity. ••••• ••••• ••••• MODERATOR: Texas State Representative, Toni Rose GUEST #1: Dr. Kiesha Taylor, Senior National Education Administrator at T-Mobile GUEST #2: Gabriella (Gaby) Rowe, Grow Associates LLC, and Project Lead for Operation Connectivity ••••• ••••• ••••• For more information, please visit www.womeningovernment.org Audio courtesy of OSUCHLUCK Productions, www.osuchluck.com
It Takes 2: Type 2 Inflammation
It Takes 2: Type 2 Inflammation
Women In Government Podcast It Takes 2: Type 2 Inflammation People of all ages, genders, and backgrounds are connected by similar challenges because of one lesser known chronic condition known as Type 2 Inflammation. Recent scientific developments have shown that this overactive immune system response, underlies different atopic, allergic and inflammatory diseases. What exactly does that mean and how does it affect our families and communities? On this episode of the Women In Government Podcast, our panel discusses how the type 2 inflammation connection can help patients work with their doctors to gain control of their chronic disease. As for policymakers and industry leaders, these chronic conditions impact communities of color and those in underserved communities. Now’s the time to get to work and support measures to address type 2 inflammation. ••••• ••••• ••••• MODERATOR: Melissa Hurtado, California State Senator GUEST #1: Carole Huntsman, Head, Sanofi Genzyme North America and US Country Lead GUEST #2: Dr. Mandeep Kaur, Vice President, Head, North America Medical for Dupixent at Sanofi Genzyme GUEST #3: Dr. Tyra Bryant-Stephens MD, Director and Founder, The Community Asthma Prevention Program, Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania ••••• ••••• ••••• For more information, including a Spanish-language translation transcript of this podcast, please visit www.womeningovernment.org Audio courtesy of OSUCHLUCK Productions, www.osuchluck.com
Malnutrition in Vulnerable Populations
Malnutrition in Vulnerable Populations
Women In Government Podcast Malnutrition in Vulnerable Populations So many aspects of our daily lives have changed since COVID-19 entered the picture. As we continue readjusting to the “new normal,” some familiar concerns have remained and come with a set of severe consequences. Food insecurity has plagued different American populations for decades, but has been compounded by the recent pandemic. The novel Coronavirus is disproportionately impacting older generations. With the closure of congregate meal sites and the increase in newly homebound older adults, there is now a higher demand for Older Americans Act (OAA) programs, such as Home Delivered Meals and other community-based supportive services. However, these much needed resources have been strained and need some relief. On this episode of the Women In Government Podcast, our panel discusses how food insecurity drives harmful impacts on the health and well-being of older adults, exacerbating many chronic conditions. Important questions are answered, including how leaders can advocate for funding that would provide grants to states, territories, and tribes to help support the delivery of nutritious meals for older adults throughout the country. ••••• ••••• ••••• Moderator: Maura LaGue, Managing Director, Women In Government Foundation, Inc. Featured Guest: Bob Blancato, Executive Director, National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs (NANASP), and the National Coordinator of the Defeat Malnutrition Today coalition. ••••• ••••• ••••• For more information, visit www.womeningovernment.org Audio courtesy of OSUCHLUCK Productions, www.osuchluck.com
Increasing Access & Opportunity - 30 Years of the Americans with Disabilities Act
Increasing Access & Opportunity - 30 Years of the Americans with Disabilities Act
Women In Government Podcast Increasing Access & Opportunity: 30 Years of the Americans with Disabilities Act This July 26th marks the 30th anniversary of a landmark decision that changed the lives of people living with disabilities. Back in 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act or (ADA) was passed and signed into law. It effectively prohibited discrimination against people with disabilities in all areas of public life. On this episode of the Women In Government Podcast, our panel discusses how far we've come from the dark days of people being viewed as “defective” and in need of “fixing.” It’s been an incredible 30 years of breaking down barriers and striving for equality in employment, education, and public access for people with disabilities. The ADA remains a crucial tool in addressing persistent discrimination, and new barriers, like inaccessible websites, online systems, mobile apps, and other forms of information and communication technology. One thing is certain, what we do today will impact future generations of people looking to live their own American Dream over the next 30 years. ••••• ••••• ••••• Moderator: Connecticut State Representative Christie Carpino, WIG Board Member-Eastern Regional Director Featured Guests: GUEST #1: Illinois State Senator, Julie Morrison, Chair of the Senate Human Services Committee and founder of the Special Needs Caucus GUEST #2: Bobby Silverstein J.D., Principal, Powers Pyles Sutter & Verville, PC and Legislative Counsel, State Exchange on Employment and Disability or (SEED) GUEST #3: Nadia Mossburg, Senior Policy Advisor, U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) ••••• ••••• ••••• For Transcript, visit https://www.womeningovernment.org/policies_publications/policy-issues/state-exchange-employment-and-disability-seed For more information, visit www.womeningovernment.org Audio courtesy of OSUCHLUCK Productions, www.osuchluck.com