November 6, 2024 Town Hall for Pharmacy Professionals

WSPA Pharmacy Podcast

14-11-2024 • 39 min

  • Washington State Election Results Preliminary look at Washington State's elections and impacts on pharmacy
  • Alternative Distribution Subcommittee PQAC subcommittee reviewed draft language to limit "white bagging" and "brown bagging"
  • Seeking nominations to the Washington State Practitioner Advisory Committee to support the Healthcare Affordability Board If interested reach out to WSPA CEO Jenny Arnold
  • Seeking pharmacy professionals to join a workgroup to troubleshoot OTC billing of Contraception Billing OTC Contraception in the pharmacy is not easy - this group will gather these experiences to streamline options
  • Washington Pertussis Outbreak Washington State Department of Health Staff will provide updates on our pertussis outbreak including epidemiology, signs and treatment. Slides will be shared on the call and available on the News section of the WSPA home page.
Upcoming Events
  • The next Town Hall will be November 20th. You can also add future dates to your calendar via our event calendar.

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