March 27, 2024 Town Hall for Pharmacy Professionals

WSPA Pharmacy Podcast

27-03-2024 • 41 min

  • WSPA's PBM Bill - E2SSB 5213 Our PBM bill was signed into law on Monday! Thank you to all our members who contacted their legislators, and supported the bill! We did it!
  • Health Care Authority SPA Settlement Checks Earlier this month the last checks and EFTs for closed pharmacies were distributed. The HCA will now process back payment adjustments for 2023. Pharmacies do not have to rerun these prescriptions.
  • Federal Legislative Update PBM Legislation and Medicare Recognition of Pharmacists as Providers

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Governor Inslee Signs E2SSB 5213 -Health Care Benefit Managers (PBM)
On Monday, March 25th, Governor Inslee signed into law E2SSB 5213 Health Care Benefit Managers (PBM). The bill is an important incremental step toward regulatory oversight, transparency, and accountability of Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs), safeguarding the health of patients in your communities and the viability independent pharmacies. While we know we must continue to be diligent, this was a proud day for the profession. Thank you to our members and our supporters for working so hard to make this happen.

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