DevOps Decrypted: Ep. 15 - Are Kubernetes Tools Doomed to be Complicated?

DevOps Decrypted

21-04-2023 • 50 min

Welcome to DevOps Decrypted Episode 15, where we ask; are Kubernetes tools doomed to be complicated?

In this episode, some new voices (and faces, if you're watching on YouTube) join Romy and Rasmus. We welcome Michael Guarino, CTO and Co-founder of Plural, who shares his knowledge on deploying open-source software onto Kubernetes.

We also speak with two more of our fellow Adaptavists; Timothy Chin, Platform Team Lead for our new venture, Venue DevOps – and Daniel “Chalky" Chalk, Engineering Manager for our business services infrastructure.

It's an in-depth episode that'll resonate with anyone who's juggled deployment with Kubernetes, Crossplane, Terraform, Rancher… And the main takeaway?

Kubernetes is hard. Will software and DevOps practitioners ever find a silver bullet solution? Missed an episode? You can find all our previous episodes here:

Like what you hear? Why not leave us a review to let us know how we're doing or highlight topics you would like us to discuss in our upcoming episodes?

We love to hear your feedback, and as a thank you, we will be giving out some free Adaptavist swag bags to thank you for your ongoing support!

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