DevOps Decrypted: Ep.27 - DevRel - humanising DevOps, with insight from Google's Jennifer Davis

DevOps Decrypted

25-07-2024 • 38 min

Welcome to this "minisode" edition, with Rasmus, Jon and our special guest, Jennifer Davis – Google Engineering Manager and author of Effective DevOps and Modern System Administration.

Of course, we're talking about CrowdStrike… But from a different perspective, the human one. It's all too easy to get caught up in the technical nuts and bolts of an issue like this one, but Jon and Jennifer remind us that, at the core of this outage, there are people. And some of them are going to be having a pretty tough time right now.

Join us as we discuss the human element in DevOps and how there can never be "one” solution to rule them all. Then, listen to Jennifer's insights on DevRel and community. It's a fascinating discussion, and we're keen to get Jennifer back to learn more.

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