Episode 61 - Nones & Dones Series: Introduction & Helen's Story

Canadian Asian Missional Podcast

01-01-2021 • 27 min

Episode 61 - Nones & Dones Series: Introduction & Helen's Story

It's been a long time coming, but we're so excited to start off the new year with a series focusing on the nones & dones: those who have no religious affiliation, have left the church, or are done with faith. In this introduction, we talk about the importance and the personal reasons for engaging in this conversation and the specific movement and trends we've observed in the lives of some of those around us.

Plus, our gracious friends from New Leaf Network have shared this un-testimony from Helen, who was one of the speakers at their Learning Circle events, detailing her departure from a church and Christian community. Check them out over at: https://www.newleafnetwork.ca/


Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!

Music Credits: aKu – The Final Blow © 2021 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission