Proverbs 8:31 Rejoicing in the habitable part of his earth; and my delights were with the sons of men.

Wisdom of Solomon's Proverbs

07-01-2025 • 9 min

Wisdom is worth your attention. God owns wisdom. It is His possession. He has had it from eternity. God has never existed without wisdom, and wisdom has never existed without God. He used wisdom to create the world for the use of man (Pr 8:22-31). Angels, devils, and men acquire or learn wisdom, but not the Lord. God’s greatest display of wisdom is toward men – by His creation of them, His providence toward them, His incarnation in one of them, His salvation of some of them, and His revelation to them. He exalts wisdom for your consideration by this proverb. Wisdom is worth your attention. Proverbs Chapter 8 personifies wisdom as a woman. The personal pronouns, from “her” in the first verse to “me” in the last, are Lady Wisdom (Pr 8:1,36). She introduces herself (Pr 8:1-11), describes her benefits for living (Pr 8:12-21), tells of being with God before and during creation (Pr 8:22-31), and she concludes by exhorting men to consider her great value (Pr 8:32-36). Happiness and success with God and men depend on wisdom. For this section (Pr 8:22-31), Lady Wisdom described being with God before and during creation. She spoke of Him forming mountains, oceans, heavens, clouds, and waves. But then she turned her attention from material things to the habitable part of the earth and mankind. Consider the wisdom of God that has made living on earth so very pleasant. The habitable parts of earth have features that help men enjoy life. They enjoy mountains for view and coolness, valleys for protection and lush vegetation, and oceans for beaches and water sports. They appreciate the four seasons in places away from the equator. Some climes are perfect for vineyards; other places have diamonds and gold underground. Animals, flowers, trees, terrain, and weather vary by location for almost any preferences. God’s great wisdom is also shown in other works toward man – creation, providence, incarnation, salvation, and revelation. These five works exalt wisdom very high. Consider a broad review of God’s greatest works to fully appreciate the benefit and value of wisdom used by God in mercy toward the sons of men. You should value wisdom highly. First, God created man. How? By His eternal and infinite wisdom! Look at a baby’s fingernails and eyelashes. Testosterone turns a boy into a man, and estrogen a girl into a woman, though they eat the same food. When you walk, you do something no robot can duplicate. But then watch a gymnast! Do men and women enjoy lovemaking? Do their bodies fit together well in the act? Gloriously! Man analyzes, thinks, loves, and makes decisions like no other creature on earth. Watch lovers stare into the windows of each other’s soul. Man is uniquely special. He was designed by the wisdom of God. Second, God providentially takes care of man. How? By eternal and infinite wisdom! He sends sunshine to kiss your skin and rain to prosper fields. That field can grow bread for heart health, wine for heart gladness, and oil for your face. He is the greatest matchmaker in history, arranging for you to meet your spouse. When you needed a job, He caused a firm to hire you. When you and your neighbor pray for opposite needs, He gives the perfect answer for both. He assisted the inventor and gifted the doctor long before you needed the new medical procedure to save your life. Preserved by the wisdom of God!

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