In The Tank

The Heartland Institute

The weekly flagship podcast from The Heartland Institute features in-depth policy discussions connected to current news. Host Donald Kendal leads the discussion with the usual crew of Heartland Institute Vice President Jim Lakely, Socialism Research Center “Commissar” Justin Haskins, Editorial Director Chris Talgo, and others at this national free-market think tank. The entertaining and informative discussions often hit topics such as the environment, energy policy, Big Tech censorship, the troubling rise of socialism, globalism, health care, education, that state of freedom in America and around the world, and much more. This podcast is also available as part of the Heartland Daily Podcast, the “firehose” of all the organization’s podcasts that take deep and entertaining dives into public policy. read less


Will Debt Sink The American Empire? - In The Tank #455
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Will Debt Sink The American Empire? - In The Tank #455
The Heartland Institute’s Donald Kendal, Chris Talgo, and S.T. Karnick present episode 455 of the In The Tank Podcast. The national debt is currently closing in on $35 trillion. Even more alarming, the cost of maintaining that debt is approaching $1 trillion annually - this is just the interest payment on the debt! Is this sustainable? Also, how long will the dollar remain the king currency when we pursue such reckless monetary and fiscal policy?OPENING CHIT CHAT - TONIGHT IS DEBATE NIGHTNPR - Biden and Trump will debate on Thursday. Here’s what you need to know TOPIC - Will Debt Sink the American Empire?Money Wise - How much purchasing power will we have in the next 5 years? - Home prices just hit a record high. Here are 4 things to know about housing - Will Debt Sink the American Empire? Council - Dollar Dominance Monitor Economist - The fight to dethrone the dollar - US dollar's dominance secure, BRICS see no progress on de-dollarization -report
Climate Alarmism & Anti-Humanism - In The Tank #454
Climate Alarmism & Anti-Humanism - In The Tank #454
The Heartland Institute’s Donald Kendal and Justin Haskins present episode 454 of the In The Tank Podcast. The climate alarmist narrative is one underpinned by varying groups with specific special interests. There are the politicians who use climate alarm to justify enhanced powers, there are the businesses and firms that use climate alarm to pad their bottom lines, there are the activists that use climate alarm to gain clout, and there are the those that use climate alarm to justify an anti-humanist agenda. While all these groups help prop up the same climate narrative, they all are doing so for different reasons. On this week's episode, we are going to take a look at that last group on the list - the anti-humanists. PRIMARY TOPIC - CLIMATE ALARMISM & ANTI-HUMANISMAnti-progressMackinac - The roots of environmental anti-humanism - The growth of environmental anti-humanism - The right wants us to sacrifice the planet for AI Opp - Why Nuclear Power is the Path to Low-Carbon Energy: Part 1 Epstein (Twitter) - Paul Ehrlich quote control(Report) Population Engineering and the Fight against Climate Change World Scientists' Warning of a Climate Emergency - Culling for Climate on FreedomSlate - Fifteen Minutes of Blame Cities – The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5C World
WARNING! Radical New EU Law to Fundamentally Transform America - In The Tank #453
WARNING! Radical New EU Law to Fundamentally Transform America - In The Tank #453
The Heartland Institute’s Donald Kendal, Jim Lakely, Justin Haksins, and Chris Talgo present episode 453 of the In The Tank Podcast. The European Union recently passed a law that would essentially mandate many of the guidelines and metrics of the ESG scheme we have talked much about on this show. You might ask, "Who cares about Europe?" Unfortunately, the way this Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive is written, it has the potential to fundamentally transform the way businesses around the world operate. It is imperative we get this message out to the public and to lawmakers to protect America from this dangerous law.PRIMARY TOPIC - RADICAL NEW EU LAW WILL FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM AMERICA Fox News - Europe is hell bent on forcing US companies to go woke and it has a new law to do just that Western Journal - Europe Just Approved the Worst Communist Law Ever - How It Affects You  SECONDARY TOPIC - EU ELECTIONS SHIFT TO RIGHT WSJ - Europe’s Ascendant Right-Wing Parties Want to Remake the EU. They Can’t Agree on How. Nature - Far-right gains in European elections: what they mean for climate goals Politico - Inside von der Leyen’s secret climate crusade
Trump Faces 20 Years in Prison!? - In The Tank #452
Trump Faces 20 Years in Prison!? - In The Tank #452
The Heartland Institute’s Donald Kendal, Jim Lakely, and Chris Talgo present episode 452 of the In The Tank Podcast. In the hours after our show ended last week, the verdicts began rolling in for former President Donald Trump's "hush money" case - 34 convictions. We are truly in unprecedented territory. What does this mean for Trump? What does this mean for the election? And most importantly, what does this mean for America? Also, a new report was released that shines even more light on the Covid lab leak theory and the role the United States played in funding that research. PRIMARY TOPIC - TRUMP FACES 20-YEAR PRISON SENTENCE!? The Washington Post - Trump’s New York trial is over. What’s next with his other criminal cases? The Hill - Trump to be sentenced just 4 days before GOP convention DNYUZ - The G.O.P. Push for Post-Verdict Payback: ‘Fight Fire With Fire’ WSJ - Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping  SECONDARY TOPIC - LAB LEAK REPORT EXPOSES US FUNDING NYP - Damning new report finds China lab leak most likely source of COVID-19 — and blames US for pumping millions into the dangerous research NYT - Why the Pandemic Probably Started in a Lab, in 5 Key Points The Federalist - Fauci Admits There Was No Scientific Evidence For Six-Foot Social Distancing Rule Fox News - Dr. Deborah Birx admits there was an effort to squash COVID lab leak theory (video) Chris Cuomo debate "find the clips"
Climate Alarmism Undermines The Future - In The Tank #451
Climate Alarmism Undermines The Future - In The Tank #451
The Heartland Institute’s Donald Kendal, Jim Lakely, and Chris Talgo are joined by energy expert Robert Bryce to present episode 451 of the In The Tank Podcast. The technologies and innovations of the future require cheap, reliable, and abundant energy. Climate alarmism hamstrings our society by restricting our use of fossil fuels, only allowing the use of expensive and unreliable energy sources like wind and solar. We talk with Robert Bryce to explore the future of energy in the United States.PRIMARY TOPIC - CLIMATE ALARMISM UNDERMINES THE FUTURERobert Bryce Substack - The EPA’s Emissions Rule Will Strangle AI In The Crib PJ Media - How Big Tech Helped Bring on America's New Energy Crisis Bryce Substack - Shanghaied China's Stranglehold on Alt Energy The Atlantic - Nuclear Energy’s Bottom Line - Exclusive: White House to support new nuclear power plants in the U.S. Research - Growing share of Americans favor more nuclear power
Klaus Schwab is Stepping Down - In The Tank #450
Klaus Schwab is Stepping Down - In The Tank #450
The Heartland Institute’s Donald Kendal, Jim Lakely, Justin Haskins, and Chris Talgo present episode 450 of the In The Tank Podcast. World Economic Forum's CEO Klaus Schwab just announced he will be stepping down from his role as "Davos Man." What does this mean for the organization? Who is likely to take over control of the WEF? Also, an anti-CBDC bill is gaining traction in Congress. Will this potential legislation possibly put an end to the quest to establish a central bank digital currency in the United States?OPENING CHIT CHAT - KLAUS SCHWAB IS OUT Bloomberg - World Economic Forum Founder Klaus Schwab Stepping Down by 2025 Stopping Socialism - Klaus Schwab’s Time May Be Almost Up Reuters - Original Davos Man unveils half a succession plan  PRIMARY TOPIC - ANTI-CBDC BILL GAINS TRACTION IN CONGRESS Heritage Action - CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act Ted Cruz - Sen. Cruz Introduces Legislation Prohibiting Unilateral Fed Control of a U.S. Digital Currency | U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas American Bankers Association - ABA Letter of Support to H.R. 5403 – the CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act America's Credit Unions - House, Senate bills introduced to bar Fed from issuing CBDC Atlantic Council - Don’t let the US become the only country to ban CBDCs Futures - US Federal Reserve “nowhere near recommending, let alone adopting” a CBDC, chairman tells Congress Atlantic Council CBDC Tracker
Defending Populism To Defeat The Elite? - In The Tank #449
Defending Populism To Defeat The Elite? - In The Tank #449
The Heartland Institute’s Donald Kendal, Jim Lakely, Justin Haskins, and Chris Talgo present episode 449 of the In The Tank Podcast. Is Populism a threat to Democracy? U.S. Representative Nancy Pelosi believes so. Pelosi recently took part in an Oxford Union debate on this very subject where she made the case that populism has become synonymous with ethnonationalism and right-wing extremism. Arguing against this position was Winston Marshall, a former member of the musical group, Mumford & Sons. What role does Populism play in American politics? Is it something that should be embraced or rejected by pro-liberty advocates?OPENING CHIT CHAT - BIDEN V. TRUMP DEBATES SET Politico - It’s on (for now): Biden and Trump agree to 2 debates  PRIMARY TOPIC - DEFENDING POPULISM TO DEFEAT THE ELITES? NYP - Winston Marshall: I didn’t have to expose Nancy Pelosi — she did it herself WSJ - Notable & Quotable: Pelosi on Populism (video) Oxford Union - Winston Marshall argues that populism is not a threat democracy, but rather is democracy itself 6/6 (video) Politico - Obama: I'm the real populist, not Trump (video) Tucker Carlson - About one in five mail-in ballots in the last election was fraudulent ...
BlackRock CEO Trashes Wind and Solar - In The Tank #448
BlackRock CEO Trashes Wind and Solar - In The Tank #448
The Heartland Institute’s Donald Kendal, Jim Lakely, Chris Talgo, and Linnea Lueken present episode 448 of the In The Tank Podcast. BlackRock CEO Larry Fink was featured at a recent World Economic Forum event where he spoke on the subject of future investments. Toward the end of the panel, Fink trashed wind and solar as viable options to meet our economy's growing appetite for cheap, reliable energy. Are these statements by Fink just an anomaly in the larger climate alarmist movement or do they signal a potential shift in global energy trends?OPENING CHIT CHATMonmouth Poll - Younger adults express less urgency than in prior polls TOPIC - BLACKROCK CEO BURIES WIND AND SOLAR AT WEF EVENT? (video) Larry Link at WEF Event stamp: 46:27 - 47:54) (video) Zuckerberg: Energy, not compute, will be the #1 bottleneck to AI progress stamp: 0:00 - 1:00ish) Bloomberg - Data Centers Now Need a Reactor's World of Power, Dominion Says Reuters - OpenAI CEO Altman says at Davos future AI depends on energy breakthrough NBC News - The AI industry is pushing a nuclear power revival — partly to fuel itself CNN - New-wave reactor technology could kick-start a nuclear renaissance — and the US is banking on it
Cultural Marxists Take Over College Campuses - In The Tank #447
Cultural Marxists Take Over College Campuses - In The Tank #447
The Heartland Institute’s Donald Kendal, Jim Lakely, Justin Haskins, and Chris Talgo present episode 447 of the In The Tank Podcast. Over the past week, student-led protest groups have essentially taken over college campuses across the United States, demonstrating on behalf of the pro-Palestine movement. The radical rhetoric, the disruption of classes, and the crack down by police has stirred up a lot of attention on this matter, but many important aspects are being ignored. Who is funding this movement? What are the true intentions of the protests? And how are these factors effected by the upcoming Presidential election?OPENING CHIT CHAT Reason - “Disinformation Czar” Jankowicz Returns as Head of New Project Before Election  PRIMARY TOPIC - Cultural Marxists Take Over College Campuses The Federalist - Campus Radicals Go Bananas At The Colleges That Created Them New York Post - George Soros is paying student radicals who are fueling nationwide explosion of Israel-hating protests The Jerusalem Post - Pro-Palestine protests are generously funded by donors promoting radical Islam studies - analysis Reason - Texas Public Colleges Crack Down on Peaceful Anti-Israel Protests
2024 State of Climate Alarmism - In The Tank #446
2024 State of Climate Alarmism - In The Tank #446
The Heartland Institute’s Donald Kendal, Jim Lakely, Chris Talgo, and Linnea Lueken present episode 446 of the In The Tank Podcast. In honor of Earth Day (Week? Month?), we are taking a look at the State of the Climate Alarmism agenda. How is climate change currently resonating with the general public? How successful are its advocates in getting climate action done? And what does the future look like for the climate alarmist movement?PRIMARY TOPIC - 2024 STATE OF CLIMATE ALARMISM  Public perception CBS News - CBS News poll finds big majority of Americans support U.S. taking steps to reduce climate change IR Magazine - Earth Day poll finds waning global interest in climate change, but most still want businesses to act Pew Research - What the data says about Americans’ views of climate change  Public outreach Fox News - Climate activists have new target in mind for major summer protest: 'Make their lives miserable' Washington Post - What John Kerry’s exit means for the global climate fight The Guardian - 'Only the beginning': Greta Thunberg reacts to court ruling on Swiss climate inaction – video  Success? Energy Mix The Hill - Biden administration plans to tee up offshore wind across the nation’s coastlines Tesla reports 55 % drop in profit as Chinese competitors dominate
2024 Election Mail-In Ballot Crisis & Election Interference - In The Tank #445
2024 Election Mail-In Ballot Crisis & Election Interference - In The Tank #445
The Heartland Institute’s Donald Kendal, Jim Lakely, Justin Haskins, and Chris Talgo present episode 445 of the In The Tank Podcast. The Heartland Institute commissioned a new poll with Rasmussen Reports that once again highlights major election integrity issues that will effect the 2024 election. We asked likely voters if they would cheat to help their favored candidate win the presidency. The results are shocking. Also, are developments in Trump's court cases tantamount to election interference?PRIMARY TOPIC - 2024 Mail-In Ballot Crisis and Election Interference Heartland Institute - Heartland Institute Poll Shows Nearly Three in 10 Voters Would Vote Illegally in 2024 Presidential Election - New Poll: Nearly Three in 10 Voters Say They Would Vote Illegally in 2024 Election - Rasmussen Poll: 28% Would Commit Voter Fraud Federalist - Majority Of Voters Recognize Democrat Lawfare Against Trump Is Political Election Interference Federalist - Trump Will Be In Court Instead Of Campaigning For 8 Weeks Thanks To Democrats’ New York Lawfare Federalist - Dragging Trump Into Court While Biden Campaigns Is Election Interference, Regardless Of Verdict
Left vs. Right: We Are Living In Different Universes - In The Tank #444
Left vs. Right: We Are Living In Different Universes - In The Tank #444
The Heartland Institute’s Donald Kendal, Jim Lakely, Justin Haskins, and Chris Talgo present episode 444 of the In The Tank Podcast. Depending on what news sites you look at, you might be told the economy is doing great or its falling apart. Or you might be told climate change is a crisis or not an issue to be concerned about. It seems like we can't even agree on facts anymore. How is it possible that we are this bifurcated as a society? What is causing this and is it sustainable?PRIMARY TOPIC - LIVING IN TWO DIFFERENT UNIVERSES economy CNN - With inflation back up, the long-predicted storm clouds in the economy may actually be forming CBS News - Is the U.S. in a "vibecession"? Here's why Americans are gloomy even as the economy improves. WSJ - What’s Wrong With the Economy? It’s You, Not the Data  climate change AP News - UN climate chief presses for faster action, says humans have 2 years left ‘to save the world’ Daily Signal - ‘AVOID FALSE BALANCE’: AP Style Guide Aims to Silence Dissent From Climate Alarmist Narrative  Why? The Free Press - I’ve Been at NPR for 25 Years. Here’s How We Lost America’s Trust.\ Washington Times - Survey finds Fox viewers better informed than CNN, MSNBC viewers
Socialism At A Glance, American Polarization - In The Tank #443
Socialism At A Glance, American Polarization - In The Tank #443
The Heartland Institute’s Donald Kendal, Chris Talgo, and Linnea Lueken present episode 443 of the In The Tank Podcast. Heartland's Socialism Research Center just released a new book, Socialism At A Glance. Socialism at a Glance attempts to fill that educational deficiency, providing a succinct summary of socialism's origins and rise in modern history while also giving detailed case studies of some of the most infamous socialist regimes that rose to power in the 20th century, including some that still exist to this day. Also, is the political rhetoric getting more polarized in America? Are the left and right getting further apart?OPENING CHIT CHAT - CLIMATE AT A GLANCEClimate At A Glance App TOPIC - SOCIALISM AT A GLANCE BOOKNew Book - Socialism At A Glance Bay Times - Florida lawmakers want communism lessons in all grades. The bill is headed to DeSantis - New YAF Poll: What is Socialism? More Than Half of Students Can’t Accurately Define It - Exclusive poll: Young Americans are embracing socialism TOPIC - POLARIZATION IN AMERICANBC News - Here’s what’s driving America’s increasing political polarization - THE ANES GUIDE TO PUBLIC OPINION AND ELECTORAL BEHAVIOR
BlackRock and ESG Divestment - In The Tank #442
BlackRock and ESG Divestment - In The Tank #442
The Heartland Institute’s Donald Kendal, Jim Lakely, and Chris Talgo present episode 442 of the In The Tank Podcast. This week, the In The Tank crew is discussing a number of different topics. The bridge collapse in Baltimore, Texas's divestment from BlackRock, and the media revolt against Ronna McDaniel all expose truths about some of the most important things going on in our country right now. Through their insightful commentary, Kendal, Lakely, and Talgo shed light on these pressing issues, offering valuable perspectives on the state of affairs in America.OPENING CHIT CHAT - BRIDGE COLLAPSENYT - What We Know About the Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse in Baltimore TOPIC(S)BlackRock and ESG DivestmentNYP - Texas yanks $8.5B from Larry Fink’s BlackRock in ‘massive blow against the scam of ESG’ Thinker - Texas tells BlackRock to kick rocks Business - Mississippi hits BlackRock with cease and desist, threatens massive fine over ESG policies Ronna McDanielCNN - NBC cut ties with Ronna McDaniel after extraordinary pressure, but its problems aren’t over
SCOTUS Hears BIG First Amendment Case - In The Tank #441
SCOTUS Hears BIG First Amendment Case - In The Tank #441
The Heartland Institute’s Donald Kendal, Jim Lakely, and Chris Talgo present episode 441 of the In The Tank Podcast. For many years now, we have heard about big tech censorship and the role government may have played. Thanks to investigations like "The Twitter Files," we have gotten some insight into the coercive pressure put upon social media platforms to remove certain content. Well now, the Supreme Court is hearing a case on this very matter. At what point is the government overstepping the protections of the First Amendment in an effort to curb "misinformation?" Can we count on the Supreme Court to safeguard free speech? Just how important will the results of this case be?OPENING CHIT CHAT - "BLOODBATH"NYT - Trump Defends His Warning of a ‘Blood Bath for the Country’ PRIMARY TOPIC - GOVERNMENT CENSORSHIP CASE REACHES THE SUPREME COURTWSJ - Government’s ‘Thinly Veiled’ Social-Media Censorship Federalist - Justice Jackson’s Comment About Free Speech ‘Hamstringing’ The Government Wasn’t Her Worst - Will federal censorship be the pandemic’s biggest legacy? Blog - THE RIGHT TO SHOUT “BS” DURING A PANDEMIC TOPIC - UN'S RED ALERT... AGAINWashington Post - Biden imposes strongest-ever climate change rules for cars Finance - UN sounds 'Red Alert' as world smashes heat records in 2023
DEBATE! Millennials, TikTok Ban, and AI Dangers - In The Tank #440
DEBATE! Millennials, TikTok Ban, and AI Dangers - In The Tank #440
The Heartland Institute’s Donald Kendal, Jim Lakely, and Chris Talgo present episode 440 of the In The Tank Podcast. Debate is healthy. Conservatism is not a monolith of thought; disagreements are expected, especially on important topics. This week, we have gathers a few topics that should spark some debate amongst our panelists. These topics include: Millennials work ethic, the potential TikTok Ban, and the potential dangers posed by artificial intelligence. Join us as we discuss these issues and feel free to join in the conservation and voice your opinion.PRIMARY TOPIC - DEBATE! Millennials, TikTok Ban, and AI DangersMillennial Work Ethic?Yahoo - 'We Busted Our Behinds' — Boomer Whoopi Goldberg Bashes Millennial And Gen Z Work Ethics: 'I'm Sorry, If You Only Want To Work 4 Hours, It's Going To Be Harder For You To Get A House' Business - Gen Z attitude toward 9-to-5 job sparking debate about the difference in generational work ethics Ban?NYT - House Passes Bill to Force TikTok Sale From Chinese Owner or Ban the App NPR - Why the House voted to ban TikTok and what could come next Hill - These Republicans voted against the Trump-opposed TikTok bill Dangers? Time - Exclusive: U.S. Must Move ‘Decisively’ to Avert ‘Extinction-Level’ Threat From AI, Government-Commissioned Report Says CNN - AI could pose ‘extinction-level’ threat to humans and the US must intervene, State Dept.-commissioned report warns
Electric Vehicles Worse For The Environment - In The Tank #439
Electric Vehicles Worse For The Environment - In The Tank #439
The Heartland Institute’s Donald Kendal, Jim Lakely, and Chris Talgo present episode 439 of the In The Tank Podcast. The electric vehicle industry can not catch a break. There have been a number of stories coming out highlighting the "sluggish" sales of electric vehicles over the past few months. But now, a recent study is challenging the very idea that electric cars are better for the environment. Additionally, a massive Tesla plant in Germany was apparently the target of ecoterrorism.OPENING CHIT CHAT = SUPER TUESDAY ELECTIONS/HALEY IS OUTNYT - 5 Takeaways From Super Tuesday: Trump Wins and Haley Exits ABC News - Nikki Haley suspends 2024 campaign, doesn't endorse Donald Trump  Primary Topic = Electric Vehicles Are Worse For The EnvironmentWSJ - Electric Cars Emit More Particulate Pollution Daily Mail - Electric cars release more toxic emissions than petrol-powered vehicles and are worse for the environment Emissions Analytics - Gaining traction, losing tread Pollution from tire wear now 1,850 times worse than exhaust emissions Fox News - Stop Chinese EVs before they destroy our auto industry CNN - How EVs became such a massive disappointment Fortune - Elon Musk’s German Tesla plant suffers close to $1 billion in damages after attack by the ‘dumbest ecoterrorists on earth’  Davos Watch = ESG Fails in Europe Forbes - Vote On EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Law Falls Short, March 15 Deadline Looms Euro News - Euroviews. CSDDD: A tale of corporations hijacking the EU's democratic process
Trump vs. The Deep State? - In The Tank #438
Trump vs. The Deep State? - In The Tank #438
The Heartland Institute’s Donald Kendal, Jim Lakely, and Chris Talgo present episode 438 of the In The Tank Podcast. Every so often, the public gets a little more information about the role the intelligence community played in undermining Donald Trump at every turn. This week, we are going to attempt to organize as much of this information as possible to provide a sort of abridged history of the Trump vs. The Deep State saga. From spying on the campaign to the Mueller Report, we have a lot to cover.PRIMARY TOPIC - TRUMP vs. THE DEEP STATE#1 The “Five Eyes” CampaignSubstack - CIA Had Foreign Allies Spy On Trump Team, Triggering Russia Collusion Hoax, Sources Say NYP - CIA and foreign intelligence agencies illegally targeted 26 Trump associates before 2016 Russia collusion claims: report Steele Dossier/Fusion GPSAP - Trump dossier source shocked speculation portrayed as fact - The Steele dossier: A reckoning Operation Crossfire Hurricane Fox News - FBI opened Trump-Russia probe despite Papadopoulos' denial that said collusion would be 'treason': Durham FISA WarrantsWSJ - How FISA Shields FBI Abuses “The Insurance Plan”Fox News -  Lisa Page transcripts reveal details of anti-Trump ‘insurance policy,’ concerns over full-blown probe News - FBI agent Peter Strzok's texts with Lisa Page disparage Trump throughout campaign Michael Flynn TakedownFox News - DOJ drops case against Michael Flynn, in wake of internal memo release Beck - CHALKBOARD: President Obama involved with ILLEGAL Trump, FBI investigation & Michael Flynn takedown #7 Mueller InvestigationABA - Mueller finds no collusion with Russia, leaves obstruction question open Hill - Mueller probe: A timeline from beginning to end #8 The Era Of LawfareNPR - How Trump's trials for 91 felony charges in 4 states could take over his campaign
Will Biden Be Replaced In The 2024 Election? - In The Tank #436
Will Biden Be Replaced In The 2024 Election? - In The Tank #436
The Heartland Institute’s Donald Kendal, Jim Lakely, Justin Haskins, and Chris Talgo present episode 436 of the In The Tank Podcast. Last week, a report by Special Counsel Robert Hur raised a lot of eyebrows. And not because it essentially let President Biden off the hook for mishandling of classified documents, but because the report described him as an "elderly man with a poor memory." The administration's response to this characterization: let's have Biden do a press conference where Biden can prove the report correct. This entire situation has spurred a lot of speculation that the Democratic Party may be angling to sideline Biden before the general election in November.PRIMARY TOPIC - WILL BIDEN BE REPLACED IN 2024 ELECTION? The Federalist - The Reasons To Impeach Biden Keep Stacking Up The Federalist - 4 Lies Joe Biden Spouted Off In Angry Special Counsel Press Conference The Hill - Jill Biden asked why aides didn’t stop president’s press conference in 2022: Book Politico - Biden sits out Super Bowl interview for a second time Politico - Democrats Might Need a Plan B. Here’s What It Looks Like.  SECONDARY TOPIC - CIA BEHIND RUSSIA COLLUSION HOAX? Substack - CIA Had Foreign Allies Spy On Trump Team, Triggering Russia Collusion Hoax, Sources Say NYP - CIA and foreign intelligence agencies illegally targeted 26 Trump associates before 2016 Russia collusion claims: report