#100: 100 Video Games We Adore

KnockBack: The Retro and Nostalgia Podcast

16-01-2020 • 4 h 7 min

It seems like only yesterday that we launched our retro and nostalgia podcast KnockBack, and yet it's been nearly two years since our maiden voyage. A hundred weeks on, we've naturally arrived at our 100th episode, and to celebrate, we thought we'd talk about our greatest shared love: Video games. More specifically, we thought we'd talk about 100 games we absolutely adore, 100 games any aficionado of the medium should check out. Enjoy our longest episode of KnockBack to date (four hours!), and thank you so much for supporting our show, and making it the hit it has become. As usual, we simply couldn't do it without you. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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