The 1984 Los Angeles Summer Olympics

Everything 80s

24-07-2024 • 40 min

It's been exactly 40 years since one of the most important Summer Olympics in the history of the modern Games. The Summer Olympics were coming off two less-than-ideal previous editions and very few cities even wanted to host. Add to this a Soviet-led boycott, and the 84 Summer Games faced serious uncertainty.

However, the Los Angeles Summer Games changed everything about the Olympics as we knew them. The technology, the presentation, the broadcast, and the corporate sponsorships transformed the Olympic games into the ones we're familiar with today.

But let's not forget the events. The 84 Summer Games gave us some astonishing sporting moments, drama, and history-making athletes and performances. It was one of the first big sporting memories for a new generation of kids, led to one of the biggest marketing blunders ever, and even inspired one of the most beloved sitcoms of the entire 1980s...

The Everything 80s Movie Review Podcast:

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