Sistah Talk-The Good in and of Men and why women need them - Hot Topic
Sistah Talk-The Good in and of Men and why women need them Women need men, not to overshadow or overpower them, but to stand beside them as equal partners in every aspect of life. This is Sistah Talk I am your host Sister Such and Such, an open minded and raw character who says exactly what is on my mind. Meanwhile telling the truth about it all. It is News, information, and lifestyle and my opinions, leaving no subject untouched. Thank you for taking the time to listen Looking for more, you will find it on You tube, Facebook and available on most of your favorite podcast apps and sites. Website Pagehttps://www.spreaker.com/show/...https://www.youtube.com/c/Toni...https://www.spreaker.com/user/... - Made with Calliope #men #mentoo