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P. Nyamande and the Revival of Gospel Music
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Ndinochemera Mweya Wangu
Álbum • 2009
Principais músicas
1. Jesu Wangu Hosana
P. Nyamande and the Revival of Gospel Music
2. Jesu Mugetsimani
P. Nyamande and the Revival of Gospel Music
3. Hapazi Pedu
P. Nyamande and the Revival of Gospel Music
4. Dzidziso Yakanaka
P. Nyamande and the Revival of Gospel Music
5. Zambuko
P. Nyamande and the Revival of Gospel Music
6. Ndinochemera Mweya Wangu
P. Nyamande and the Revival of Gospel Music
7. Mutamba Kose
P. Nyamande and the Revival of Gospel Music
8. Mberi Mberi Masoja
P. Nyamande and the Revival of Gospel Music
Álbuns mais ouvidos
1. Ndinochemera Mweya Wangu
Álbum • 2009