Meredith Reynolds - Getting the Dream Job: Now What? [City Hall Stories, Ep. 23]

City Hall Stories

21-01-2022 • 29 min

Meredith Reynolds is the Special Deputy City Manager for the iconic City of Long Beach, California. Handpicked in the middle of Covid to lead a unique team tasked with overseeing the City’s recovery, Meredith’s role ranges from community engagement, fiscal budgeting, operational management and more.

I specifically enjoyed this conversation not only for the discussion on the timely work being done, but also for Meredith’s extremely thoughtful insights into leadership at the top of local government: the good, bad and ugly. Her level of self-awareness and honesty will no doubt shine through to you also.

Today, we discuss what exactly Covid recovery entails, how to hear beyond the usual voices at the table, and what’s changed in her personal life after being given a shiny new title.

Please enjoy my conversation with Meredith Reynolds.