S1E22: Every Texan Talks Paid Leave for State Workers

Every Texan Talks - Legislative Podcast from Every Texan

05-05-2023 • 30 min

No matter what we look like, where we come from, or what we do for a living, we can all agree that working people should have the pay and benefits they need to work in dignity to support their families. 74% of Texas workers do not have access to any form of paid medical leave and 64% do not have access to unpaid family medical leave. This reality leaves both families and employers vulnerable during times when employees may need to care for a newborn baby or recently adopted child. But for some reason, elected state leaders want to give more corporate tax breaks to wealthy companies and take away the power of local government to support workers. This session, Texans of all backgrounds are fighting back with proactive bills to ensure freedom and fairness for all Texans.

Guest: Amanda Posson, Every Texan Senior Policy Analyst

Host: Marisa Bono, Every Texan CEO


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