Coach Lain Inspires™ Inspirecast

Coach Lain

The Coach Lain Inspires™ Inspirecast is a daily inspirational podcast from performance coach, author, and fear psychology enthusiast, Coach Lain Lee. The CL Inspires™ Inspirecast is for those looking for an extra daily dose of inspiration. Support this podcast: read less
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Don't Make Resolutions; Keep the Momentum Going
Don't Make Resolutions; Keep the Momentum Going
2020 was funny, to say the least. By that, I mean that we all went into it with the idea of “20/20 Vision” being inexorably intertwined with our outlook on the year ahead. And while we all experienced nearly 365 days of being dealt the saddest, darkest, and…well…crappiest hand ever, one can’t help but see the irony in it all. We thought 20/20 vision was about seeing our visions, our plans, our purposes more clearly, being able to execute on them like never before. And then we’re hit with a record-shattering worldwide pandemic that puts all those plans to ruin and waste! But for those of us who were able to pivot, acclimate, and adapt, we were soon able to see that this 20/20 vision wasn’t about execution at all, but about reflection. Today's inspirational word: Dec. 31 and Jan. 1 are two normal days, just like any other two in the calendar year! Take the time to take note of your growth, achievements, setbacks, mistakes, and lessons learned over the past year, but do not let that fool you into thinking that tomorrow is any different from any other morning! Strive every single day to top your personal best from the day before, and be consistently resolute in being consistently resolute. Consistency breeds confidence, and confidence helps you outperform that which makes you most uncomfortable. Be sure to follow the Inspirecast on Instagram, and show your support by becoming a supporter or leaving us a voicemail. --- Support this podcast: