John REEDER, Director of the Research for Health Department at the World Health Organization in Geneva and Director of TDR, the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases - WHO [E2P] - PODCAST SERIES


04-01-2022 • 13 min

In the third podcast on evidence-informed decision-making, we welcome John Reeder, Director of the Research for Health Department at the World Health Organization in Geneva and Director of TDR, the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases. In this podcast, he shares with us the critical role that WHO is playing in strengthening the evidence-policy interface, including mobilizing people to increase capacity in knowledge translation.


  • Evidence is only one part of the policy making decision. Other dimensions need to be taken into account, such as economic considerations and how it fits with the rest of health services. Evidence is not enough for a decision in and of itself.

  • Health research is not a luxury, but an integral part of every health system. Embedded within the health system it leads to a constant improvement cycle.

  • In order to do research, investment in capacity across the whole spectrum is needed, not only for researchers, but also implementers, in order to achieve a democratization of research A well trained workforce in research can be quickly translated into shifting priorities.

  • The conversation between science and policy needs to be improved. Researchers need to know how to write a policy brief which translates scientific information into a clear: statement of the problem, statement of the issues and statement of the possible solution.


  • Q1 - 00:46 to 02:22 > You have an impressive career in medical research and leading international research organizations. Already while being Director of the Papua New Guinea Institute of Medical Research from 2000-2006, you were working on translating scientific findings into policy for improved health. Can you tell us about your lessons learned in facilitating the uptake of research in policy and decision-making?

  • Q2 - 02:23 to 04:06 > Moving from translating medical research in Papua New Guinea to WHO. As part of the transformation process of the World Health Organization, the WHO Director-General established the Science Division, including the Research for Health Department which you are heading. Can you give us a brief overview of the Department’s mandate in promoting evidence-informed decision-making?

  • Q3 - 04:07 to 06:48 > What are your three pieces of advice for evidence-informed decision-making during crises, such as COVID-19?

  • Q4 - 06:49 to 10:51 > What has the COVID-19 pandemic taught you about evidence-informed decision-making and member state?

  • Q5 - 10:52 to 12:37 > Would you have any additional advice to our listeners interested in promoting evidence-informed decision-making?

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