Dr. Raegan Langeliers I How to Start and Run Your Own Virtual PT Practice

True Sports Physical Therapy Podcast

28-08-2024 • 54 min

Welcome to the latest episode of True Sports Physical Therapy, where we explore the exciting world of virtual physical therapy with Dr. Raegan Langeliers. In this episode titled "Dr. Raegan Langeliers: How to Start and Run Your Own Virtual PT Practice," we dive into the steps, strategies, and challenges of launching and managing a successful online practice.

Join us as Dr. Langeliers shares her journey into the virtual PT space, offering practical advice on everything from setting up your practice, attracting clients, and providing top-notch care remotely. Whether you're a physical therapist considering a move to virtual practice or looking to enhance your current setup, this episode is packed with insights that can help you thrive in the digital landscape.

Tune in to True Sports Physical Therapy for an engaging conversation with Dr. Raegan Langeliers, and discover how to effectively start and run your own virtual PT practice.

Check out our ACL Masterclass: From Table to Turf! https://education.truesportsphysicaltherapy.com/ Sign up now! Was $750 now $500, save $250!

00:00 - 00:20 - Welcome Dr. Raegan Langeliers to the #TSPTPodcast!

00:21 - 06:16 - Rehab and S&C for Raegan’s MLB baseball playing husband

06:17 - 29:15 - Raegan’s leap into starting her own virtual physical therapy company

29:16 - 48:08 - Focusing on the clinical aspects whilst working virtually

48:09 - 50:53 - What Raegan would change about PT in the MLB

50:54 - 51:19 - Raegan’s advice for PTs wanting to start a virtual PT business

51:20 - 51:58 - Thanks so much for tuning in!

#SportsTherapy #SportsRehab #StrengthTraining #PhysicalTherapy #TrueSportsPT #TSPTPodcast #Rehab

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