The Truth About Hip Arthroscopy

True Sports Physical Therapy Podcast

04-01-2024 • 54 min

Welcome to the latest episode of True Sports Physical Therapy, where we unravel "The Truth About Hip Arthroscopy" with the expertise of special guest, Dr. Callista Morris. In this informative discussion, we explore the intricacies of hip arthroscopy, demystifying the procedure and shedding light on its applications in sports medicine.

In addition to the technical aspects, we delve into the rehabilitative aspects of hip arthroscopy and the role of sports physical therapy in optimizing recovery and long-term hip health. Dr. Morris's wealth of knowledge ensures a nuanced discussion that goes beyond the surface to uncover "The Truth About Hip Arthroscopy."

Tune in to True Sports Physical Therapy for an insightful conversation that aims to empower and inform, guiding you through the intricacies of hip arthroscopy with Dr. Callista Morris.

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