Dr. John Rusin I Pain Free Performance and Thoracic Spine Function

True Sports Physical Therapy Podcast

05-12-2024 • 1 hora 1 min

In this episode of True Sports Physical Therapy, Dr. John Rusin, one of America’s Top 50 Health & Fitness Experts and the CEO of Pain-Free Performance Specialist Certification, shares his expertise on achieving pain-free performance.

Dr. Rusin dives into the vital role of thoracic spine function in athletic performance and injury prevention, offering practical tips for improving mobility, strength, and resilience.

Whether you're a PT, coach, or athlete, this conversation is packed with actionable insights to help you optimize movement and keep athletes performing at their peak. Don’t miss this deep dive with a true industry leader!

Check out our ACL Masterclass: From Table to Turf! https://education.truesportsphysicaltherapy.com/

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