Burnout Treatment and Prevention With Sally McGrath of Health That Heals

The Not Drinking Alcohol Today Podcast

22-07-2023 • 47 min

Sally McGrath, Founder of Health That Heals, talks to She's Sober Sydney about her own burnout story and the tried and tested strategies that she personally implemented to regain her work-life balance. Sally beat burnout not once, twice but thrice and it was after the third time that Sally remained burnout free. Sally worked 25 years in the corporate sphere and knows first-hand the pressures that trying to balance a high-pressure career and personal life involve. Burnout is on the rise, it can sneak up on you and can take a long time to recover from. Alcohol and burnout frequently go hand in hand and is used by many to cope with impending burnout only to exacerbate burnout symptoms and prolong recovery. We cover what the warning signs of burnout are, practical steps to take in order to avoid burnout and guidance on what you should do if you are experiencing the signs of burnout and are looking for support to regain life balance.

Sally McGrath, Health That Heals: https://healththatheals.com.au
Instagram: @healththatheals
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sallymcgrath/


Megan Webb: https://glassfulfilled.com.au
Instagram: @glassfulfilled
Unwined Bookclub: https://www.alcoholfreedom.com.au/unwinedbookclub
Facebook UpsideAF: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1168716054214678
Small group coaching: https://www.elizaparkinson.com/groupcoaching


Web: https://isabellaferguson.com.au
Insta: @alcoholandstresswithisabella
Bi-Yearly 6-Week Small Group Challenges: Learn more: https://resources.isabellaferguson.com.au/alcoholfreedomchallenge
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