Safety Consultant with Sheldon Primus

Safety Consultant with Sheldon Primus

The Safety Consultant Podcast with Sheldon Primus is your weekly guide to starting or growing a profitable occupational safety and health consulting business. Do you feel that your knowledge would be better served, if you are your own boss? Your knowledge can help more people improve their workplace safety. Most of what you know may be wasting in a job that limits what you can do for the overall health and safety of workers. Now is the time to start your own safety consulting business! read less


3 Compliance Services to Start Your Consulting Business-Rebroadcast
3 Compliance Services to Start Your Consulting Business-Rebroadcast
Rebroadcast: In this insightful episode of the Safety Consultant Podcast, host Sheldon Primus explores the foundational aspects of launching and sustaining a safety consulting business. He emphasizes three key compliance-related services that are crucial for budding consultants: writing safety programs, conducting audits, and delivering training. Each of these services not only helps businesses comply with safety regulations but also lays the groundwork for a robust safety consulting practice. Sheldon shares practical tips on how to effectively develop these services, tailor them to meet client needs, and position them as entry points for establishing long-term client relationships. Additionally, he provides guidance on setting fair pricing structures and maximizing client engagement through strategic service offerings. Furthermore, Sheldon touches on the broader implications of compliance, encouraging consultants to go beyond mere regulatory adherence to foster a culture of safety within organizations. He distinguishes between compliance and a deeply ingrained safety culture, suggesting that the latter ensures a more sustainable and proactive safety environment. Throughout the episode, he blends technical advice with personal anecdotes, making complex regulatory content accessible and engaging. By subscribing to the podcast, listeners can stay updated with the latest episodes, where Sheldon continues to demystify OSHA compliance and other crucial aspects of the safety consulting industry.
A Young Man's Journey to Success-Rebroadcast
A Young Man's Journey to Success-Rebroadcast
In this compelling episode of the Safety Consultant Podcast, hosted by Sheldon Primus, listeners are taken on an inspiring journey through a story of perseverance, transformation, and success in the world of safety consulting. Sheldon narrates the extraordinary tale of an individual's path from humble beginnings, navigating through various life challenges, including a stint in grocery bagging, a leap of faith into the unknown territories of Bible school, and the rigors of working on a garbage truck, to eventually finding a calling in the safety and health field. This episode is not just a story, it's a testament to the power of resilience, the importance of never giving up, and the endless possibilities that come with a change in direction and the pursuit of one's passion in the safety consulting business. As the story unfolds, listeners are offered a glimpse into the strategic decisions and pivotal moments that propelled the protagonist from a state of restlessness to becoming a beacon of authority and an example for anyone doubting their potential in the safety industry. Through the trials of marriage, divorce, further education, and the challenges of balancing family life with career ambitions, this episode beautifully illustrates the journey towards becoming a successful safety consultant. It emphasizes the value of seizing opportunities, continuous learning, and the significance of self-belief. This narrative is not only motivational but also serves as a practical guide for those looking to navigate their path in the safety consulting realm, making it a must-listen for aspiring safety professionals and seasoned consultants alike.
5 Tips to Being the Favorite Instructor-Rebroadcast
5 Tips to Being the Favorite Instructor-Rebroadcast
In this episode of the "Safety Consultant Show," hosted by Sheldon Primus, Sheldon shares his expertise on becoming a successful safety consultant, focusing on how to be an engaging and favorite instructor of student. He candidly shares his experiences of returning to on-site instruction, detailing the positive feedback he has received and how it has motivated him to impart his knowledge on becoming a preferred instructor. Sheldon promises to offer five plus tips on achieving this goal, highlighting the necessity of personal growth and adaptation in the ever-evolving field of safety consulting. Diving deeper, Sheldon meticulously outlines his top five tips for becoming a favored instructor, starting with the paramount importance of mastering the subject matter to ensure confidence and credibility in teaching. He advises being prepared for any technological or logistical mishaps, emphasizing the need to bring essential backup equipment and resources. Sheldon also distinguishes between preaching and teaching, advocating for an interactive and engaging teaching style that fosters a conducive learning environment. He underscores the significance of maintaining professionalism and respectfulness, particularly in male-female interactions, to create a comfortable and inclusive atmosphere for all participants. Lastly, Sheldon suggests going the extra mile by helping with the setup and teardown of classrooms, showing dedication and consideration that transcends mere instructional duties. Through these tips, Sheldon aims to equip safety consultants with the skills and attitudes needed to leave a lasting positive impression on their students and ensure a safe and effective learning experience.
Chemical Reactions: The Hidden Layer of Workplace Safety
Chemical Reactions: The Hidden Layer of Workplace Safety
In this enlightening episode of "Chemical Reactions: The Hidden Layer of Workplace Safety," we delve deep into the often-overlooked aspect of EHS (Environmental, Health, and Safety): the intricate role of body chemistry in workplace incidents and safety incentive programs. Join us as we explore how neurotransmitters and hormones such as serotonin, oxytocin, cortisol, adrenaline, and more, influence not only individual responses to workplace accidents but also overall employee engagement in safety practices. With insights from a seasoned EHS professional boasting over 20 years of experience, we uncover the physiological underpinnings that drive diverse reactions to safety incidents, from heightened alertness to stress-induced anxiety. This episode doesn't just stop at identifying problems; it offers practical, innovative strategies for integrating an understanding of body chemistry into the design of safety incentive programs. From peer recognition systems that boost serotonin and oxytocin levels to stress reduction workshops aimed at lowering cortisol and adrenaline, we discuss how these approaches can foster a positive, supportive, and ultimately safer work environment. Whether you're an EHS officer, HR professional, or someone interested in the psychological aspects of workplace safety, this episode will equip you with the knowledge to see safety through a new lens. Discover how tapping into the power of our body's chemical messengers can revolutionize safety practices and create a culture of well-being and proactive safety engagement.
Consultant Advertising Blueprint
Consultant Advertising Blueprint
Employers hire safety and health consultants for a variety of reasons, often related to ensuring a safe and compliant work environment. Here are some of the primary reasons: 1. Expertise and Specialization: Safety and health consultants have specialized knowledge and skills in identifying and managing workplace hazards. They can provide expert advice that the internal staff may not possess. 2. Regulatory Compliance: Employers must adhere to various local, state, and federal regulations. Consultants are well-versed in these laws and can help businesses avoid costly fines and legal issues by ensuring compliance. 3. Risk Assessment: Consultants can conduct thorough risk assessments to identify potential hazards and suggest preventive measures, thereby reducing the likelihood of workplace accidents and injuries. 4. Training and Education: Consultants can provide training to employees on safety practices, proper use of equipment, and how to handle hazardous materials, contributing to a safer work environment. 5. Objective Third-Party Perspective: An external consultant can provide an unbiased review of workplace safety practices and policies, which can be beneficial in identifying issues that internal staff might overlook. 6. Program Development and Implementation: Consultants can assist in developing and implementing comprehensive safety programs tailored to the specific needs of the business, including emergency response plans, safety protocols, and accident prevention strategies. 7. Incident Investigation: In the event of a workplace accident or injury, consultants can conduct an objective investigation, identify the root cause, and recommend corrective actions to prevent future incidents. 8. Health and Wellness Programs: Beyond immediate safety concerns, consultants can also help develop programs that promote overall employee health and wellness, contributing to a more productive and positive work environment. 9. Cost Savings: By preventing accidents and ensuring compliance, safety consultants can help businesses avoid expensive fines, legal fees, and workers' compensation claims. 10. Enhanced Reputation: A commitment to safety can enhance a company's reputation with clients, investors, and potential employees, and a consultant can help communicate and implement this commitment effectively. Use these point in your marketing material to help gain new clients.
2024's Compliance Horizon: Navigating OSHA's Expanded Recordkeeping Rule
2024's Compliance Horizon: Navigating OSHA's Expanded Recordkeeping Rule
In this enlightening episode titled "2024's Compliance Horizon: Navigating OSHA's Expanded Recordkeeping Rule," we delve into the pivotal updates to OSHA's Recordkeeping regulations that came into effect on January 1, 2024. Aimed primarily at high-hazard industries, these amendments are set to reshape how establishments report and submit injury and illness data. The episode provides a detailed walkthrough of the expanded electronic submission requirements, emphasizing the inclusion of OSHA Form 300 and Form 301 details along with the previously required Form 300A. Listeners will gain insights into the significance of these changes and how they are expected to enhance workplace safety and transparency. The conversation further explores the intentions behind OSHA's strategy to improve data quality and public accessibility. By mandating the inclusion of legal company names in submissions and planning to make the data publicly accessible on its website, OSHA aims to foster an environment of informed decision-making and accountability. The episode discusses the potential impacts of these measures, including the reduction of occupational injuries and illnesses and the provision of valuable insights at the industry level, thereby enabling employers, employees, and the public to make more informed decisions regarding workplace safety and health. Lastly, the episode guides employers through the technicalities of the submission process, detailing the functionalities of the Injury Tracking Application (ITA) and the various methods available for data submission. With the deadline for submission set for March 2nd of the year following the calendar year covered by the forms, the episode emphasizes the importance of compliance and timely action. Listeners will come away with a comprehensive understanding of the new OSHA Recordkeeping rule, equipped with the knowledge to navigate these changes effectively for your clients.
Strategic Hiring: Growing Your Consultant Business
Strategic Hiring: Growing Your Consultant Business
In this engaging episode of the "Safety Consultant Show with Sheldon Primus," host Sheldon Primus expertly navigates the crucial topic of strategic hiring in the realm of safety consulting. Sheldon addresses a pivotal challenge many safety consultants face: discerning the right time and approach to expand their team. He offers a comprehensive guide on recognizing the signs indicating the need for team expansion, underscoring that hiring should be a strategic choice aligned with business growth, not just a means to handle excess workload. The episode delves into crucial aspects such as evaluating current workload capacity, financial preparedness for hiring, identifying skill gaps within the business, and the importance of cultural fit in prospective hires. Sheldon also sheds light on the legalities of hiring and the significance of having a robust training plan in place, presenting a holistic view of the hiring process. Featuring insights from a seasoned expert in business growth, the episode enriches the conversation with practical advice and real-world examples. Sheldon emphasizes the importance of making financially prudent hiring decisions, the role of a new hire in embodying the business culture, and utilizing professional networks for finding suitable candidates. Additionally, he explores alternatives like outsourcing or contracting for businesses not ready for full-time hires, providing versatile solutions. Overall, this episode of the "Safety Consultant Show with Sheldon Primus" serves as a vital resource for safety consultants looking to strategically expand their team, ensuring that new hires are not only skilled but also align with the long-term goals and ethos of the business.