Fluency News #62

Fluency TV Inglês

03-12-2021 • 18 min


In today’s episode of Fluency News we talk about the global risk of the new omicron variant and how NYC is handling this issue; about Barbados, which has just become a republic; we also take a look at Magdalena Andersson, who’s the first female Prime Minister in Sweden; we see a negative aspect of the fashion industry, and discover that rhinos can fly.

Remember Fluency Academy's news podcast series gives you the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present to you some of the most important stories of the week in English, and add some explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.

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We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!

This episode was written by Alessandro Ladelfa.

Material: https://rhavi.co/fn-62