3+ Decades of Sneaker Storytelling w/ Russ Bengtson, Alex aka "Retrokid", John Gotty, Brett Gollif + Ian Stonebrook
Follow The Guests:
Russ Bengtson: https://instagram.com/russbengtson
Alex aka "Retrokid" : https://www.instagram.com/retrokid45/
Brett Golliff: https://www.instagram.com/golliff/
John Gotty: https://www.instagram.com/johngotty/
Ian Stonebrook: https://www.instagram.com/ianstonebrook/
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Recorded on Riverside: http://www.riverside.fm/?via=sneakerhistory
Distributed By Captivate: https://bit.ly/3j2muPb
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Robbie https://instagram.com/rahbee702
Mike https://instagram.com/madwatcher789
Rohit: https://instagram.com/rohitm13
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