Ep 432: Dan McQuade

Book Fight

18-09-2023 • 1 hora 29 min

We're talking YA sports books with Defector Media editor/co-owner Dan McQuade, who gave us two classics of the genre to read. Hoop Crazy was written in 1950 by Clair Bee, who was also a college basketball coach of some renown. The book features a Gallant type who has to defend his school's top-ranked team from the dangers of both racism and the three-point shot. Dan's second selection was Iron Duke, a 1938 novel by New Yorker writer John Tunis, who never considered himself a children's author, despite the fact that nearly all his 24 books were marketed to children.

You can find out more about Defector Media here: https://defector.com/

And find Dan on Twitter: https://twitter.com/dhm

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