061 S02 Ep 11 – Setting the Conditions for the BDE & BNs to Succeed in LSCO thru Staff Overmatch w/Devil 03, MAJ Tony Formica

The Crucible - The JRTC Experience Podcast

18-07-2024 • 1 hora 8 min

The Joint Readiness Training Center is pleased to present the sixty-first episode to air on ‘The Crucible - The JRTC Experience.’ Hosted by MAJ James “Jim” Lee is the Brigade Executive Officer Observer-Coach-Trainer for the BDE Command & Control Task Force (BCT HQ) on behalf of the Commander of Operations Group. Today’s guest is the Brigade S-3 Operations Officer for 1st Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, MAJ Anthony “Tony” Formica. (MAJ Formica is a repeat offender of The Crucible, as he was on episode 13, titled “Field Grade Lessons Learned from Good Geronimo, 2-501st PIR.”)

Established during the fierce fighting in the Italian campaigns of World War II, 1st BDE / 82nd ABN was employed in multiple brush wars throughout the Cold War as well as in Operation Desert Storm and later as part of Operation Joint Guardian in Kosovo before deploying in support of the Global War on Terror. They have the Hollywood call-sign of “Devil” and the motto of “Strike and Hold.”

In this episode we discuss setting the conditions for the BDE and BNs to succeed during large scale combat operations through staff overmatch. Leaders at all echelons must understand the amount of control and influence leaders must exert to be effective, grasping what you can’t control and not wasting resources in pursuit of it, understanding your area of operations and your sphere of influence within it, and lastly understanding the systems which drive all of these is critical. There’s a common “eureka” moment at the JRTC, when leaders realize that time is your number one “enemy” or concern, not the opposing force. The goal for leaders at all echelons must be to ensure that you’re not creating problems than you’re solving for your subordinates as well as your higher headquarters.

Part of S02 “If I Would Have Only Known” series.

Be sure to follow us on social media to keep up with the latest warfighting TTPs learned through the crucible that is the Joint Readiness Training Center.

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Again, we’d like to thank our guests for participating. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and review us wherever you listen or watch your podcasts — and be sure to stay tuned for more in the near future.

“The Crucible – The JRTC Experience” is a product of the Joint Readiness Training Center.

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